How You Meet

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You had just finished your morning classes at the University and were craving starbucks. You walk down the street to the closets starbucks that was only 5 minutes away. You grab a pumpkin spice latte and a piece of coffee cake. After you finish up at Starbucks you remember you wanted a new a Greenday record for your record player. You walk to the record and CD store next door to get the record. You pick your record and go to check out.

"You like greenday?" The cute check out guy asks.

"Yes is that problem?" You respond.

"Well its just most girls aren't in to this kind of music, i think its cool."

You blush taken back by his response.

"Thanks." You say regretting your sassy remark from earlier.

"You should call me some time, Im Ashton, oh and dont worry about paying, I got it." He winks at you and hands you a piece of paper with his number on it.


You and your boyfriend of 8 months just broke up. You caught him cheating on you with some slutty blonde. Your best-friend Jamie, decided to take you to a party to get your mind off of things. Your are sat on the couch with couples making out all around you. Jamie left you to go play a game of truth or dare. Just when you were about to leave, A tall, brunette boy, with blonde streaks, and big brown puppy dog eyes appears in front of you.

"You look sad." He says crossing his arms on his chest.

"Well I just broke up with my boyfriend of 8 months because he was cheating on me with some slutty blonde." You say on the verge of tears.

"Well you know what I think?" He says sitting next to you.


"I think hes a dick, you dont deserve and you should come dance with me, I bet I can make you feel better." He says with a smile.

"Sounds good." You giggle.

"Im Calum by the way." He takes your hand and guides you to the dance floor. You dance the night away. You exchange numbers. And go out for coffee the next morning. It takes about a month for him to finally ask you to be his girlfriend.


The new version of Animal Crossing for the DS had finally come out and you were on your way to Game Stop to purchase it.

You walk in the store and find the game to see there is only one game left. Right as your about to pick up the game a boy with bright red hair snatches it up.

"Hey I was gonna get that!" You whine.

"Oh uhmm i want it." He says quietly scratching his neck.

"I was here first, hand it over." I say stomping my foot, and crossing my arms.

"Watcha gonna do about it." He says stepping closer to me. I take this moment to notice his bright greenish blue eyes and red cherry lips. Wow he is attractive.

"I mean if you want we could play it together.." I say smirking at the thought.

"Sounds good to me, but i dont think we will be playing the whole time." He winks and heads to the check out counter. You and him go to his house, and play the game, with several intense makeout sessions.


You and your friends decided to go to the mall to shop for some new fall clothes. You just got to the mall and decided to go to one of your favorite places, Urban Outfitters. You were shopping around looking for a new fall dress. You noticed there was a group of boys kinda following you and your friends around. One with bright red hair, one with light brown curly hair and green eyes, one that had brown hair with blonde streaks going through the front, and the last one which you found the most interest was taller than the rest, with pretty blue eyes and a blonde quiff. You turned around to see the tall blonde blushing and the others cracking up. You smiled and went on your way. Wondering if your friends noticed the guys. You decided to go try the dresses on you had picked out.

You stepped out of the dressing room to show your friends. When you find the 4 boys that have been following you and your friends around were there too standing there instead.

"Uhm where are my friends?" You ask confused.

"They are shopping." The one with the red hair says with a smirk on his face.

"They told us to help you decide." The curly haired one speaks up.

"Yeah but i think our friend here Luke would like to help." The brown haired on with brown eyes says as he grabs Luke's shoulders and pushes him forward.

You see your friends giggling behind the boys now. You blush and return to the dressing room.

You slip on a tight, long sleeved dress that was cut out on the stomach and replaced with lace. You step out to see just Luke there, holding a small piece of paper. He steps close to you and whispers in your ear.

"Wear that when I take you out." Then hands you the slip of paper with his number on it. You blush as he walks off.

Your friends come running in squealing.

You call him later that day and he takes you to dinner that night. Where you get to know each other and he asks you to be his girlfriend 2 weeks later.

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