Chapter Two ~*~

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The bell for final hour rang; I got up and out of my seat. I had to see if we were partners. It was the only thing I could think about. I wanted to be his partner but at the same time I didn’t.

I pushed past people, winding corners until I was steps from the bulletin. I got many dirty looks but when I gave people the death stare they whipped the dirty off their face.

But people were still in my way, so I continued to shove past them.

Then I heard my name being called. It was him calling my name. I rolled my eyes. Couldn’t he just leave me alone?

I bolted to the door, ignoring his voice yelling for me to wait for him. I got puzzled looks from everyone.

I already knew what they were thinking. Why would she turn down someone as great as he is? Well good if she leaves him alone I'll have a shot at getting him. Teenage girls and their thoughts, so easy to read it weren’t even funny. Oh wait, yes, yes it was.

I wish he would just back off. Maybe if we weren't partners he could fall in love with his partner, that wasn't me. I was tired of him hitting on me.

Because as long as it wasn't me I would be happy. I know, no normal girl would think that. But you forgot I’m not normal.

I speed walked to Mrs. Woodward's door and looked. On the printed paper read my name next to . . . yep that's right. Tyler Stone. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I whirled around to come face to face with no other than Tyler, who was wearing a huge grin on his face.

He looked at me with an alarmed face, and then looked at the bulletin, then back at me. But this time with a grin on his face. The alarmed face was for my death stare, but he shook it off.

"Looks like were partners," He said with amusement, still looking at the paper with a goofy grin on his face.

That goofy grin was annoying me, and I was about to smack the cuteness right off his face for it.

"Yeah, about that, wouldn't you rather work with someone else?" I asked not really wanting him to be my partner, if you haven’t noticed.

"Nope I wouldn't miss this for the world, look," He tapped the words under our names. It read "kissing scene, in the rain, under Juliet's house, please try and be creative."

He kept tapping it.

I froze in horror. If I wasn’t so pissed off I would have taken his finger and bent it in half.

I mean when Mrs. Woodward says we have to do something, she means go full out. I was going to have to kiss Tyler Stone, dangerous bad ass. This is not good at all. I thought.

Well I could always just tell Mrs. Woodward to fuck off and tell her I wouldn’t do it and get detention. But to tell the truth I didn’t feel like napping at the moment.

And was this even appropriate for school? Doubted it. I mind clapped, happy I wanted the rules to be enforced.

That was a first.

I walked down the hallway, with Tyler trailing behind me, happy as a bird with a French fry.

Why couldn't he understand I didn't like him? My gosh take a hint already.

'' So do you have your own car, because it’s raining outside,'' he said, pointing to a window.

So it was. I usually walked home because I didn't have a car, yet. I still haven't found the right one yet. There wasn't really a good selection here.

'' No I don't have a car, I usually walk''

He was quite for a minute then he light up like a Christmas tree.

'' Can I walk home with you, just in case?'' he asked, inching closer to me.

I moved away every time he got closer, which was like every second.

'' No thanks, I can find a ride. But thank you for the offer,'' I said, turning sharply down a hallway as he continued walking straight.

Sucker. They always fall for that.

'' Violet wait!'' he shouted.

I didn't turn around, and he never came up to me. Good, maybe he caught on.

Maybe he would understand that I didn't want him in my life. I vowed after the assignment was over to never speak to him again. I just hope I can keep that promise.

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