Chapter Four ~*~

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'' I knew it, I knew it!'' she squealed, punching the horn with every inch of strength she had.

It beeped, long and loud because of how hard she hit it. Talk about over excitement much. Even I didn’t get that exited.

I laughed, knowing this would be her reaction. It was just so predictable with Claire. After all she was the one trying to hook me up with guys she thought I would like. But this time she was trying harder than usual.

''Calm down, I still don’t know what feelings I have for him. For all I know they could be bad,'' I said, trying to convince her it wasn't really something to punch a car horn about.

'' But feelings turn into only a lot and then that turns into hello I'm single and you are?'' she said, taking one hand off the wheel to shake an invisible hand while winking.

I still don’t know why I’m her friend.

I sat there turning the radio back on, putting it as high as Claire would allow me to crank it to, which wasn’t that high, even though the dial was almost turned fully.

I liked my music, and if people have a problem with that they should go before I kill them with skittles, because skittles are deadly.

'' Guess what I just thought of?'' she said her face lighting up. Her smile kept getting bigger every second, as if she invented world’s first floating car.

'' What?'' I said, getting ready for her thought.

This was going to make me blush, I could tell by how she was looking at me. She looked at me as if I had turned into a unicorn.

''Once you guys start dating me you and our boyfriends can go on double dates, it will be so cute!'' she gushed, squirming in her seat.

She tapped the car floor with the foot that wasn't on the gas pedal.

Then the best radio advertisement known to man came on and I started busting out singing.

“Driving in my car beep beep open the car sure is neat, hope know body wrecks into me. Oh wait a minute here comes a car it’s my lucky day plenty of time to get out of his way,” I made a motion to where it looked like I was turning a steering wheel.

I paused and she looked at me like I was insane.

“But in real life this is what happens. Driving in my car beep crash,” and I made a dying motion.

I busted up laughing and she stayed quiet.

She had mental issues. But I was way worse than she was.

I rolled my eyes, staring out the window again.

Soon after that we went silent again and we were at my house. It took longer than usual to get there because Claire decided to take the long way so we could have a Tyler talk.

I decided I didn’t like Tyler talks. They were annoying.

When I got out of the car she beeped twice and I waved goodbye. I went up to my driveway and looked under the bucket. The key was there so I was the first home. I was kind of glad because it gave me time to be alone. And from today’s events, I needed to be left alone.

I hate people sometime. I wish the world would just die except for my friends and family and anyone else didn’t want to die, which wasn’t many. That would be the life.

Sorry if I sounded like a mass murderer back there.

I unlocked the door and went inside.

Suddenly I was attacked.

I fell to the ground as my chocolate lab Brownie jumped on me, licking my face.

“Brownie that’s not nice, don’t attack me attack my homework!” I scolded her as she continued to lick me.

I laughed and got off my floor, petting her soft thin fur. I dusted my butt off and she followed me, looking up and me with soft kind eyes.

I loved my dog. I may be a bitch but I am no animal hater.

I hummed the advertisement me and Claire heard in the car. That was the only radio advertisement I liked. I can’t believe she didn’t laugh.

I grabbed a pair of sweats and slide them on over my shorts I had worn that day. Then I took of my shirt and put on a white tank top. Call me a scrub if you will, but it was comfy so I didn’t care.

I went over to my bed and lifted it up, pulling out a tiny red velvet book. My mom liked to have me keep journals and I never stopped writing them. When I write in it it feels like she is still with me.

I opened it up to a fresh page and grabbed a pen.

Dear Diary,

Today was different. I used to feel confident and safe at school, but now I don’t. And it’s all because of one person. He is new, but he scares me. His name is Tyler Stone. He was so confident it scared me, and I don’t get scared easily. I kept a good face but I don’t know how long I can fake it, and it is only his first day. People are already talking about how we would be perfect together, and I have feelings for him, I’m just not sure if they are good or bad. Only time can tell. –

                                       ~ Violet Nicole Evergreen~

I sighed as I closed my diary. Many thoughts were swirling in my head, and they were all about him.

I went into the kitchen and made myself food. I was in the mood for roman noodles, because they are the best things in the world.

As I was stirring it I forgot to put the temperature dial down so water jumped out of the pot and landed on my arm.

“That punk ass bitch bite me!” I snarled, glaring at it and giving it the evil eye.

I took it out and drained the water, and more water slopped out and bite me. I was going to avoid boiling water in the future.

I ate it slowly, watching out for boiling water that would fall out of the sky.

When I was done I threw my fork and bowl in the sink and slunk into my room, going to bed. I had had enough for the day.

I just hoped when I woke up Tyler Stone would have been just a dream.

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