Chapter Five ~*~

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm. I groaned. That thing wakes you right up, I swear.

I pressed my hand on the button but it didn’t work. I pressed it again but it didn’t work. I bashed my fist in it, rage waking me up. The thing still wouldn’t shut up.

I sat up and unplugged it from the wall. I had the base of the clock in my hands and the cord dragged behind me. I was wearing an evil smile on my face. I stopped in my kitchen.

My dad looked at me then saw the clock. Well actually he heard the clock first.

“Violet what the fug”

I cut him off.

“Good morning sir, how did you sleep? I was sleeping wonderfully and then this infernal noise woke me up. In fact it was buzzing at an ungodly hour and I did not appreciate it at all, so I am going to eat it for breakfast because I am fat like that.”

I was saying my words louder than usual because the alarm was signaling out my voice.

My dad just gave me a funny look. I smirked and started humming the car song. I grabbed a pot big enough to fit a small annoying alarm clock in and dumped it in water, letting it fill up. When it was done I turned on the fire.

“Boil baby,” I said, setting the pan in the fire and plunking the alarm clock in.

“Violet what did it do to you?” my dad asked, giving me a weird face as he looked at the pan.

“It broke my heart, dad it cheated on me. It woke up Bob to,” I clarified, grabbing salt so it would simmer faster.

I sprinkled some salt in and waited. Five minutes later it was boiling. I smiled, watching little electric currents circulate around the bowl. But I wasn’t done with the torture. I left the kitchen and got a towel then made my way back to the kitchen. Some pieces of the clock were broken, but I wanted it to be permanently broken, because it had hurt me.

I dried it off and re started the fire, setting it full on in the flames. I watched as it started melting. I smirked and whipped my hands, turning the fire off. I waited until the melted parts was frozen so I could move it, which wasn’t long because I got a hair dryer and well let’s just say I speed up the process pretty fast.

I carried it back to my room and put it back where its original spot was. It looked a lot better. I turned it on and the horrible noise was terminated.

“Violet stop messing around with the clock and get in the shower now,” my dad barked at me.

I sighed and followed his orders, going down the hall and grabbing a towel on the way.

I stepped into the bathroom and threw my towel on the sink and stripped. I turned the faucet and felt the water go through my hand. I actually got it perfect this time so I stepped inside. As soon as the water beat down my back I relaxed. Showers really help calm me

After I shampooed and conditioned I shaved and turned the water off. I regretted it instantly. My house was cold. Well I was wet but still my house was cold in the mornings!

I wrapped myself in the fluffy blue towel and wiggled my toes in the white carpet. It was new, so it was still really soft. I picked up my old clothes and walked back to my room.

I hate mornings. I wish we had school at night. I would actually have fun at night school. I will talk to Mrs. Lingoes about that.

I threw my clothes down and picked out my outfit for the day. It was the same thing I had been wearing all year, and boy did I hate it. Those ugly things took up a lot of closet space, and I got rid of some of them, kind of like I did with my clock. Only they arnt being displayed in my room, they are being displayed in the principal’s office.

That was a productive day.

I sighed as I slipped into my plaid greed skirt.

I would have to see him today. And we would have to work together in drama.

“Calm down Violet. Maybe he switched schools or something,” I said, talking myself into the idea that he moved.

Maybe he did. You never know, it could happen. But with my luck it probably wasn’t going to.

I walked out of my room and went into the kitchen, my hair dripping all over the chair I had plopped on.

I looked at the clock above me and sighed. I was going to be late to school if I kept taking little rests in between everything I did.

I got up and grabbed a bowl, pouring tricks into it. Then I grabbed some lucky charms and picked out a hand full of marshmallows and plunked them in the bowl. I opened the drawer and grabbed a spoon, then went over to the refrigerator and poured some milk.

Don’t judge me, I love mixing foods, because it adds wonderful flavor.

I chewed my food fast, shoveling in spoonful after spoonful. I hate the feeling of you’re going to be late to school. I really do.

Once I was done I slurped the flavored milk out of the bowl and set the bowl and spoon in my sink.

“Dad I’m leaving, love you bye!” I yelled down the hall as I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door. I felt my pocket and screamed.

“Violet what’s wrong?” he yelled, running down the hall.

“I-I almost forgot my phone!” I said with a cereal face on, running to my bedroom and grabbing my phone.

He looked at me and frowned, then opened the door.

I waved goodbye and sprinted to school, because if I didn’t I was going to be late.

But in a way I wanted to, because school meant people. And people meant Tyler Stone. And Tyler Stone meant danger. Hot danger that I wanted a part of but at the same time fought to stay away from.

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