Chapter 5: Leaving Rivendell

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Adanessa POV

~four days later~

It is now time to leave to go save Arwen from Dûrion at Dol Guldur. I just hope we will be able to save her in time. I am very worried, although I know she can take care of herself.

“Please let Arwen be alright." I whisper to myself before saying farewell to Lord Elrond.

“Novaer, (farewell) Lord Elrond." I say, bowing to him.

“Galu, (good luck) Adanessa." He says back, “Guren glassui. (thank you from my heart)"

“I would do anything for you and Arwen, it is my pleasure to help save her." My saying this makes him smile.

Alassëa walks up to me, “It is time to go, Adanessa." I nod my head and follow her to the rest on the group.

I give her a hug and say, “Thank you for staying, even if it is for now. It makes me feel better knowing you are safe. Goodbye, mellon nin."

“Goodbye, Adanessa." She says, and with that the rest of head off. We also have Lord Elrond's twin sons, Elladan and Elrohir coming with us.

I haven't gotten to to talk to Aragorn. I wonder how he is holding up. I know that he and Arwen are in love, I should go over and comfort him. I walk over so I am standing next to him.

He seems to be in a trance, looking off into the distance at the beautiful sunset. It looks so peaceful. There are soft fluffy clouds. Also, colors of yellow, orange, and pink paint the sky against the sun. And the sun is halfway behind a hill, showing off some of its soft orange-yellowish glow. I wish I could stare at it forever.

I turn back to Aragorn, “Aragorn." He does not answer so I try again, “Aragorn?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

He comes out of his trance and looks over to me, “Oh, Hello Adanessa. It is good to see you again." He gives me a small smile and continues, “Did you need something?"

“How are you holding up? I know this must be hard for you." I say.

He he looks off at the sunset again before turing back to me and answering, “This is hard for me, and you know the reason why. I just love and care about her so much, I hope she is still alive. Not to be mean, but do you think I could be left alone right now. I would like to think about things."

“Of course, Aragorn. Just remember, I'm always here if you need to talk."

“I know." He whispers and I leave to go back to standing beside Lord Elrond's twin sons.

All I think about for the rest of the day, before we take a rest, is how Arwen is doing. Even though I know Arwen can't hear me, I still whisper,

“Hold on, mellon nin. (my friend)"


Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry that it was short. I am working on the sequel for another one of my books: Promises (A LOTR/Legolas Love Story). The sequel is called: Hope (Sequel to Promises A LOTR/Legolas Love Story). Please check it out if you would like. The first chapter for the sequel might be up later today, but I am not sure.

                                           ~Ellethwen <3

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