the freeze theory

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Okay we all saw the TTBGO season 6 finale episode and everyone was quiet triggered....

Even me, but I decided to go back and rewatch season 6 cuz one, I was bored and two, to see if there are any clues to why the trolls froze. And all it took was the first episode to give me this theory.....

Maybe poppy and the others are in the wrong world......

Why, cuz well think about it. The entire village was frozen solid, except for poppy and branch. And I think cooper, smidge, and DJ Suki aren't frozen either. And I also think DreamWorks didn't show them not frozen cuz they didn't want to make it to obvious, and it would spoil the surprise. I mean, what's the point of a surprise if you already told what the surprise is? And maybe the other reason why the village is frozen is cuz they probably saw something that was the others or something that was related to them in the sky, cuz if you look back in the last episode of season 6 peppy is looking in the sky, and if you noticed, some other trolls are looking into the sky too. So maybe the reason why they froze is because of something they saw in the sky.

And I think what is going to happen during that is when poppy and branch run into creek that is frozen, branch gets tempted to draw on creeks face with permanent marker. (That would be funny to see ^∆^)

What do you guys think? Are poppy, branch, cooper, smidge, and DJ Suki fall into the wrong work hole, or was it something more threatening than they think it is?

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