The Blood of Olympus

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Last time on Different War:

We laughed over the argument of the two future demigods. Even though Percy's going to die sometime during the war against Gaea, I don't think it's really sunk in that he really is dead. He seems so alive right now...

"Percy, you survived Tartarus! You helped defeat the giants!"

"But I died!" The son of Poseidon shot back, daring Nico to say something good about that.

"You died stopping Gaea!"

"No, I didn't die because of Gaea!"

Silence. What is that supposed to mean?!

Now On Different War:

~Nico's Perspective~

I stumbled back. He didn't die because of Gaea? Then how-

"What are you talking about? Everyone said you were fighting Gaea and-"

"It doesn't matter." Percy interrupted me. "Everyone else is alive and Gaea's gone."

What is he talking about? "Why do you say that?" I asked instead of shaking him until he realized that his life is worth more than he thinks it did. Wow, I have spent too much time with Will lately...

Before anyone could react, there was another bright flash that promised more visitors from some other time.

The six new guests fell into a heap on the middle of the throne room floor.

"Hazel! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Frank. Who is touching my feet?"

"Sorry, Hazel! I didn't mean to!"




Finally, the pile shifted and a curly blonde stood up. "What are we doing on Olympus?"

Athena got over her shock first. "Annabeth?"

"Yes, Mother?" Her voice was slightly cold. As it's been since Percy died. Speaking of the dead son of Poseidon, where did he go?

"Annabeth!" Came the collective call of five demigods as they all moved away from each other to embrace the daughter of Athena,

She gave them a small smile that looked more genuine than I've seen in a long time.

"Nico?" Hazel's confused face looked over Annabeth's shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Hazel." I smiled at my sister, glad that she was okay. I know I just saw her a few weeks ago before the Romans left for Camp Jupiter, and we had Iris-messaged each other the day before I got here, but it's still good to see her.

"Oh, gods..." Jason was staring at the group of demigods from the past. "Percy..."

Past Percy raised his arms. "I'm from after the titan war. I haven't been kidnapped by Hera yet."

"Seaweed Brain." Annabeth laughed, shaking her head.

"We're in the past." I quickly explained. "We are on Olympus during the winter solstice before Percy's first quest, Thalia is from the winter solstice after Percy's third quest, Percy is from after Kronos was defeated, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, and Piper are from after their quest to rescue Hera, and Frank and Hazel are from after their quest to rescue Death."

"Wow, sounds like we missed a lot." The Leo from my time joked.

"Then why are we all here?" Annabeth asked, crossing her arms with a glare. I noticed she wasn't looking anywhere near Percy or Luke.

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