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~3rd Person Perspective~

Nico sighed, kicking lightly at the dirt as he walked. He was definitely struggling with what happened almost two weeks ago when he was sent to the past.

There were still unanswered questions about the events that took place, but the son of Hades knew when to give someone space. After all, he had been left alone when his sister died.

Nico's feet suddenly hit sand. He blinked, then slowly looked up. Where was he at the beach?

The son of Hades got his answer when he saw the familiar figure sitting by the water's edge. Of course.

He sighed again. Maybe he should turn around, there had to be a reason why they were here alone. Before Nico could do anything, the figure spoke. "I know you're there, Nico." Sea green eyes shined in the setting sun. "Sit with me?"

Nico complied, settling into the sand, and accepting a coke that was offered to him. "I didn't know you were back. How long have you been back for?" Someone surely should have noticed when Percy Jackson came back to camp.

"About two hours." Percy rubbed his face. "It's been an exhausting two weeks, huh?" The weak grin  he sent told his cousin exactly how exhausting it has been for the child of the sea. Even though he was healed by the ocean for a week, Percy didn't look fully healthy yet as if he was still one step away from being on death's door.

A quick pop sounded when the coke can was opened. "I thought you were with your mom?" He didn't think he would be seeing the other demigod for a while since he came from 'the dead' about two weeks ago.

The son of Poseidon shrugged, looking out towards the water with a grimace. "I was."

"What happened?" Nico sighed, knowing this was about the whole 'traveling to past' thing that Percy never really explained.

Actually, the son of Hades doesn't think Percy explained anything other than a quick, "I was dying so the water quickly took me to the ocean to heal." That made no sense, especially when Nico was sure Percy did die.

"I couldn't stay. I start school this week and it's been a little tense at home since-" Percy stopped, quickly clearing his throat. "Since my mom's pregnant and..."

"And you don't want anything to happen to them while you're around." Nico guessed.

There was a long pause in the conversation as they both stared out at the gentle waves. The water is completely different compared to the waves of emotion crashing inside Poseidon's child.

"I was waiting for death, Nico. I really thought I was dead." The quiet confession brought pain to the son of Hades. "Sorry, that was unfair of me-"

"Why?" Sea green eyes flickered over to Nico's brown eyes. "What really happened to cause you  so much pain you had to give up and die?"

"You went through Tartarus alone, if anyone needs to talk it out it should be you."

Nico hummed, trying to think of what to say something to that one. "I did." There was a smile on his face as Percy did a double take. "After you were gone, I wanted nothing more than to leave camp since Hazel and Frank left with the Romans, Leo disappeared into Bunker 9, Annabeth left to go stay with her dad, Jason was busy with the shrines for all of the minor gods, and Piper was content with taking care of her siblings. There was no one left who would miss me-"

"That's not true."

"You're right." Nico smiled. "It wasn't until Will made me realize that I overdid with the shadow-traveling that I was quickly fading from the use of any kind of my powers, I had no choice but to stay at camp." He sighed, remembering when things got bad. "After some time, the nightmares of Tartarus got bad. I was losing more weight and wasn't eating. I wanted to give up, only Will wouldn't let me. He convinced me that it would help if I opened up."

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