The House of Hades

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I apologize in advance. I know at least one person is going to cry from this chapter. I, myself, had cried in the making of this chapter. Please enjoy.

Last time on Different War:

"And...I didn't want to say this, but...I found the Doors of Death. I went to Tartarus to find them and that's where I was captured by the twin giants. One side was in The Pit and the other was in Epirus. Annabeth killed Arachne by making her trap herself and she ended up falling into a pit."

"A pit?" Chiron asked, tail swishing nervously.

"Yeah, Tartarus. Annabeth was stuck to some webs that were attached to Arachne. We didn't know that until Annabeth fell towards the opening. Percy went with her." Nico looked haunted. "He told me to lead the others to the other side. And then they fell together."

Now On Different War:

~Thalia's Perspective~

Annabeth and Percy fell into Tartarus...they...


"How could-"


"This is why we don't-"

"They died in Tartarus?"

Everyone froze at the last question. Crying could be heard as it sank in. Annabeth and Percy die in Tartarus.

"Ow!" Nico jumped. "What was that for?" He asked thin air. "Well, good for you, you figured out jabbing my ribs hurts me!"

"Nico, who is the ghost you keep talking to?" Annabeth asked, still holding Percy's hand in a death grip since Nico broke the news.

Nico frowned, staring at where the ghost must be. "Wait, the fates talked to you." A pause. "This whole time, when we were all trying to figure out why we're here and you knew."

"Well, what are they saying?" Leo asked, leaning around Nico to somehow see the ghost.

"He says the reason we're here is because of him." Nico frowned. "That's basically what you said." He closed his eyes, looking frustrated. "Then why are we here?" Another pause.

"What is he saying?!" Hermes and Apollo shout.

Nico doesn't move as Lady Artemis and Athena glare at them. After another minute, Nico pales. "W-what?"

The next that happened was unexpected.

There was a flash of light that seemed to fall to the ground. "Percy!" Nico screamed, and then a solid body hit the floor.

"I know! The fates are unreasonable and...why is everyone looking at me?"

"Percy..." Annabeth looked heartbroken.

The semi-transparent son of Poseidon blinked. "Schist! This is why I was against this idea the whole time. Stupid fates had to punish me for-" He stopped talking all of a sudden.

"What do you mean punish you?" Nico glared.

Ghost Percy raised his hands in surrender. "Hey! We both agreed we aren't sharing what happened between you and...him."

Nico blinked. "They punished you for-"

"Not wanting to put you through that situation. It was bad enough he made you go through it once with Jason, I'm not making you go through it again with everyone here."

"How do you-"

"Know?" Percy smiled. "Jason told me. He knew what I was going to do and felt that I needed to know before...well, before I died."

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