The Son of Neptune

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Last time on Different War:

In the meantime, Lord Zeus was having a hissy fit. "My son DIED?!" He shook from anger.

"Lord Zeus, it was an accident." Piper tried to calm him...only to make it worse.

"WHO!" The one word bounced off the walls.

"It was Lady Hera!" Jason yelled. "She showed her true form and I didn't look away!"


"You died?" I asked, shocked that my little brother died and came back. Realizing who did it, I turned to the cow goddess herself. "Hera..."

Annabeth started to laugh. "At least Jason wasn't turned into a guinea pig like Percy was!"

Now On Different War:

~Nico's Perspective~

Knowing Annabeth, that was her way of stopping a massive fight from breaking out.

"Good job, Annie..." The ghost spoke under their breath behind me.

I blinked, forcing the tears back

"Annabeth!" Percy whined. "We don't talk about that! It only happened once!"

"Wait, Percy was turned into a guinea pig?" Frank asked, confused.

"That explains a lot from when he was getting his memories back." Hazel commented with a small smile.

"My son lost his memory?" Lord Poseidon questioned.

"Yeah, we both lost our memory before we were sent to the other camp." Jason interjected.

"Actually Percy was put to sleep for months before he resurfaced in Camp Jupiter. The Roman camp." I added in seeing the confused looks from the past demigods, excluding the Romans.

"How long?" Annabeth demanded, eyes going red from unshed tears.

"I don't know exactly-"

Annabeth glared at me, then at Percy. He raised his hands defensively. "Hey, this hasn't happened to me yet."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, leaning on Percy.

I smiled slightly.

"What happens to Percy while he's at the Roman camp?" Jason asked, curious about what his cousin had to go through.

"Percy told me that the first thing that happened after he stayed with Lupa is being chased by the two sisters of Medusa."

"A pair of gorgons." Apollo snorted.

Hazel gave the sun god a strange glance. "Frank and I were on sentry duty at the Caldecott Tunnel entrance when Percy came running up with an old lady in his arms."

"At first, I thought he was a Roman God, but it turned out he was only carrying one." Frank continued. "It was hard to watch an amnesiac Percy Jackson talk back to a god as if he had nothing to fear."

"It even looked like Mars was enjoying it. They seemed to have a conversation." Hazel shuddered at the thought.

A snort of laughter came from the spirit. It seemed like Dad didn't notice or doesn't know there is a ghost here that belonged in the underworld...or the future underworld?

"Because of Percy, we won the war games. Something that never happens against the bigger cohorts." Frank smiled at the memory.

"Towards the end of the game, one of the centurions died. She didn't stay dead for long as we quickly found out that Thanatos had been captured." I cut in.

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