Chapter Fifteen: Secrets

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The sun displayed over the realm long ago, but I remain sitting amongst my bed. Canaries and other assessments of birds fill the air with their chirping as I make my way over to the wooden closet. I open it and see an assortment of pink battle gear. I shuffle through them and take one at random, then strip from my current gear.

I slip into a revealing top and shorts that grip my waist. I pull the black outlined pink mask over my face along with a medium sized headband of the same color. I threw the last sai I had out, so I must do without them for now. I put on some finger-less gloves and then proceed to my door, opening it only to see Smoke standing with his arms behind his back on my door step.

"What the Nether Realm?" I place emphasis on his presence.

"Big day today Princess, you're still defending your spot in the finals," his mask is absent, which makes his white hair stand out slightly more.

"Indeed, what of it?" Smoke steps closer.

"Well, I thought that you may need these," he reveals a black box with a silver dragon plastered on it that was hidden behind his back, holding it out for me to open.

I look him in the eyes with something of a grin on my face behind my mask, and then open the box. A thick paper is wrapped over whatever it is, so I pick it up and start to unravel it swiftly until two brand new sais roll out onto my palm. They appear to be made of steel with a pink dragon on the wing base and a stripe of pink travels up the blade itself. The handle contains specs of silver that shine in the afternoon sun as the blade somewhat reflects the trees.

I did not expect this, and I'm impressed, truly.

"...Thank you," my eyes meet his again.

"No need for gratitude," he smiles at me as I place my new sais in their holsters on my legs.

"Sister!" I hear, causing Smoke and I to turn.

Li Mei is sprinting my way, so I run to her as well, meeting her with Smoke at my side.

"What is wrong?" I ask quickly.

"There is something you must see!" she takes off in the direction of the forest she came as Smoke and I follow close behind.

The sound of our feet hitting the forest terrain impacts our ears as we proceed through the trees and grass.

"What's the big rush?" Smoke asks as we maintain our speed.

"No time to explain, she just has to see for herself," Li Mei replies.

We come to an elevated hill like area that overlooks a pond with a small waterfall surrounded by rocks and grass in the middle of the forest. Li Mei stops running, cautioning us to do the same. We crouch down on the grass just as Li Mei does and travel a few inches up the hill-like area. She points to the small pond.

"There, it's Kitana and the Thunder God," I peer downward and see them.

What are they doing so deep in the forest? This is all the proof I need to kick off my plan now. Kitana stands there with the Thunder God, her face is revealed due to her mask that is left hanging around her neck and her hair is in a long braid that travels down her back. She is wearing a sapphire one piece outfit with her fans sheathed on the sides of her boots and arm bands that almost travel up to her shoulders.

"Lord Raiden, I was not sure at first, but now I see where my true destiny lies; with Earth Realm," the treacherous bitch speaks, her voice echoing. Anger seeps into me and I can feel my eyes begin to glow.

"What you are doing is very brave Kitana. Your cooperation is most appreciated to Earth Realm," the Thunder God replies.

I place my hand on the sais Smoke just gave to me as Li Mei grabs my shoulder.

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