8 //Ashton//

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Authors Note

Okay so to start off I’d just like to thank everyone for reading, commenting, and voting. Also, I’M ALMOST AT 100 READS! THAT’S CRAZY! I started writing this for fun and really only thought four people would be reading it (you know who you are) but the fact that people have read it 100 times blows my mind. Thank you so much. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the last chapter. It was so cute to write so I hope you enjoyed reading it! Alright, thanks again.


  As soon as the sentences left my mouth, I knew there was no going back. I had just kissed and confessed my love to Alex, not to mention she shares my feelings. I felt extremely giddy but also nervous as I took her hand and led her back again. We’re halfway back to the house when she abruptly stops.

  “Wait. What about that girl in there that you’re dating?” She says, sadness filling her eyes.

  “Who? I’m not dating anyone.” I respond, confused.

  “The one with black hair that you kept making lovey dovey eyes at.” She says, her voice filled with hurt. I can’t help but laugh as she says this.

  “Do you mean Rose? No, we’re just friends, trust me. She and Calum are basically dating.” She nods, relief filling her eyes as I say this. We continue walking and reach the house, pushing the door open. We walk over and sit on the couch as if nothing happened, still holding hands. I notice Calum looking at our hands and making wide eyes. He stares at me, and I just smile. Alex interrupts the awkward silence, addressing Jemma, Rose, and Cas.

  “So, the boys met you here so you must be American?” Rose, Jemma, and Cas all look at each other and giggle.

  “Yeah, definitely. Born and raised.” Jemma says in a terrible Southern accent, making everyone erupt into laughter. Alex just looks confused.

  “What is everyone laughing about?” She says.

  “Sorry about that. We’re actually from London.” Jemma says, her regular accent back.

  “Oh.” Alex says. “I guess that makes all of us foreigners. Then how did you meet the boys?”

  “They practically ran us over our second night here.” Cas says, making Michael let out a noise of protest.

  "Hey, we did not. We politely offered you a ride.” He says. I scoff.

  “We? I was the one that did all the talking since you guys were too scared to talk.” Calum reaches over and punches my arm.

  “Hey! I’m trying to keep up my strong and silent persona.” Rose laughs.

  “Really? You’re definitely strong but not so silent.” They bicker like this for a few minutes until Calum clears his throat.

  “So, Alex, Ashton, what happened between you guys?”

 “So, Alex, Ashton, what happened between you guys?” I look over at Alex nervously, wondering if she’d be okay if I told them about us. She gives a barely noticeable nod, and I jump into the description. Finally, after explaining about how we both secretly had feelings for each other, I look over at Alex. I’m shocked when I see her eyes are shining with unshed tears. I lean over. “What’s wrong?” I whisper, and to my relief she smiles.

“I just can’t believe that you actually like me back.” She says, smiling through the tears. I smile too.

“Trust me, I never thought there was any possibility you could like me back.” I give her a light kiss on each of her eyes and hear a loud series of groans from behind us.

“Guys, seriously, you need to stop being so cute.” I laugh and hear Alex join me, and link our hands together.

“Forever.” I whisper to her, looking into her eyes.

“Forever.” She whispers back, looking happier than I’ve ever seen her.

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