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TBH I had completely forgotten about this aspect of visual novels, but they do highlight important scenes so obviously I'll be making quite a few.

Here are some sneak peaks, but note that the characters you see are place holders for now for the most part. While we've gotten the stories of a few characters planned out, we're still seeing how we're going to fit them all together to make a coherent story and what not.

 While we've gotten the stories of a few characters planned out, we're still seeing how we're going to fit them all together to make a coherent story and what not

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There will be some scenes that you can get through every play through because they're introductions to certain characters, etc...

The character design in the picture is just a random placeholder since we're not yet sure what characters will know the player character immediately from the start and we're missing some other details too but we should get that figured out soon.

The character design in the picture is just a random placeholder since we're not yet sure what characters will know the player character immediately from the start and we're missing some other details too but we should get that figured out soon

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But then there will be scenes you can get through only one play through if you go through a certain route.

Again, we're still figuring everything out but an idea we have is that depending on what route you're trying to go through, the story and events will change - but there will still be an overarching story.

The closest example is Mystic Messenger,, no matter who's route you pick, at the end there's still a party.

Anywho, on top of that, there are still going to be other choices in that route that will lead you to certain CGS... I'll talk more about them later on when we've begun plot pointing better.

 I'll talk more about them later on when we've begun plot pointing better

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My favourite part of any visual novel....

The ending "romance" scenes. These are obviously only able to be found if you go though the route and get the good ending for that route.

>_< So many endings that my head is smoking...

Anywho, I'm going to finish up as many character sprites and BIOS as I can before heading on to backgrounds, so I better hurry!

Hope you're enjoying! 'u'

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