Teal girl

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[Name redacted] is from the fourth level!

If you're reading Primtalia, you'll know exactly where the inspiration for her character design came from!

She's the third character I finished designing entirely and I hope you'll love her as much as I do once you get to playing! >////<

She's the third character I finished designing entirely and I hope you'll love her as much as I do once you get to playing! >////<

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One thing my partner and I have been discussing is voice acting -- of course we know we probably won't compliment it until we completely finish what's on our plate atm but the thought of it is exciting!

Do you guys like visual novels that are 100% voice acted and everything is read, or do you prefer games where there are sounds like "Oh! Yes! No... Eh?! Ha! Hmm..." after certain dialogues?

 I can't think of an example for either one atm but I know most games don't have 100% dialogue because visual novels tend to have heavy dialogue and that can become a hassle,,,,

we probably won't end up doing that, but the idea is fun!

Anyways, I was wanting to post a CG with [name redacted] here below, but I don't want to spoil anything and the CG is super pretty and detailed so I'll leave it for those playing the game to find it themselves!

Agh! Okay!! Anyways, I'll update again soon when we're ready to reveal more characters!

Thanks for reading! :'D

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