Red and Purple

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Here, I'd like to introduce to you, two new characters!

One of which has become one of my more favourite characters to draw!

First off, we have our youngest character in the cast, she represents the colour red!

First off, we have our youngest character in the cast, she represents the colour red!

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And now for the most difficult character to design for me...

And now for the most difficult character to design for me

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I feel like I'm happy enough with their design for now... If it's no obvious enough based off their looks, this one's colour is purple!

And just like that, you have met five of our main characters!

Five more to go...

After they're all done, so too will the intro! Then once the music is made for it and chapter one is complete, we will be looking into perhaps adding voice acting...

It's still just a curious thought but I love the idea of them having voices, personally I feel it'd make it more enjoyable, but what do you think!

Okokok,, well for the characters, I really don't want to give away any information on them yet, but once we finish a few more things, you'll get to learn a lot more!

I'm super excited >w<

Okay, have a super day then!~~~

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