Pink Girl!

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We've come up with her name, but for now, we'd like to keep it amongst outselves.

Her design is entirley my own and I came up with it when I was twelve and first got the idea for a comic. She was one of the first two characters I created for it. The other character was the Orange Girl who you will be meeting soon...

Besides that, she looks the same as what I imagined her when I was younger, with a few exceptions... She's got brown eyes now instead of baby blue and her hair and skirt is different too. Her heels are also now little heeled boots which is cute.

She and Orange Girl are from Level 3 so they are much different from the Level 4 kids. Even so, don't let her appearance fool you! She's a crime stopping superhero (on a television show)!!!

Unfortunatley, she was in the middle of a movie that had some shots in the Level 4 area when xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx xxx-x-x-----xxxxxx----- and so, she was unable to get back to xxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxx------xxxxxx------xx---------------.

Unfortunatley, she was in the middle of a movie that had some shots in the Level 4 area when xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx x xxxxxxx xxx-x-x-----xxxxxx----- and so, she was unable to get back to xxxxxxx--xxxxxxxxxxx------xxxxxx------xx---------------

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As of now, she's the one with the most facial expressions. She's got two poses with and without the oversized skirt (she's got stuff under, dont worry smh) and she's got 4 brows and eyes and 10 mouths. Of course we probably won't be using every single combination, but the freedom I feel after finishing all of them is *astonishing!*

Besides that, I've also made everyone a text box that matches their colour!

I still might change it down the road, but for now, the simplicity of it is fine with me and my programmer

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I still might change it down the road, but for now, the simplicity of it is fine with me and my programmer.

Overthinking simple problems will end me later on,,, but not this time!

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