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Hello guys this is my first ever fanfic.I am happy as well as nervous.plz plz avoid my grammar mistake. I hope you guys enjoy this ff😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊


Everyone who had passion for Dance, Singing and rapping in Bangtan city wanted to get in one of the big university called Bighit university.
Which gave chance to the student to Work under Bighit entertainment. It is one of the famous companies in Bangtan city.

Namjoon( p.o.v )

I woke up when my phone rang.I opened my eyes to see who could be calling me at this time.I saw my friend Hoseok calling me So I got up from the bed and picked up the call.

Hobi: Hi, buddy. are you awake???

RM : yeah,  just now ~

Hobi : oh, okay.So, I wanted to ask did you fill the application???

Shit!!!!!!! I totally forgot about application. Actually me and my friends { hoseok and yoongi }
are applying for Bighit university.
Because its our dream to form a famous band and live our life as music artist.

RM : sorry, I totally forgot about it. Yesterday I was working on song And forgot about it.

Hobi: i knew it,so I called you right now. Anyways, We still have 3 hours left for submission. You can fill it. 

RM: oh, I see~ thanks buddy. I will fill it right now.

Hobi: okay, I will call you later. Lets go and Submit it together. I will check On yoongi if he is awake or still Sleeping.

RM: ok, see you.

Hobi : bye. See you in few time~

After hanging the call namjoon took application paper and filled all the information required. It was already 9 am until he finished all the details.

Namjoon :I still have 1 hr left. Let's get ready~

So, Namjoon got ready. He was waiting for yoongi and hoseok to pick him up.

Yoongi { p.o.v }

I was sleeping heavenly until I heard my phone ringing. Unpleasingly I got up and picked the call only to hear a hobi's annoying voice.

Yoongi : what!

Hobi : calm down!!!! It looks like you are going to kill someone.

Yoongi : yes and you are the person, I am going to kill!!!!

Hobi : get your ass up.I am coming to pick you up in few minutes~

Yoongi : what? Why?

Hobi : really you guys will drive me crazy!!Namjoon forgot to fill his application and you forgot about going to university today,wow!!I have given up on you guys.

Yoongi : ohh I forgot it was today. I will get ready now. see you~

Hobi : yeah. I will be there in 15 minutes.

Yoongi got up went to fresh up.

Hoseok { p.o.v }

I literally can't believe this guys one forgot to fill application and other forgot that today is the day to submit.

Anyways lets get ready and pick those dumbs.

Hoseok was ready and  he was in way to pick Yoongi first afterwards Namjoon.

Ding Dong

Hobi : open the door!!! Yoongi!!

Yoongi: jeez!! wait!! I am coming do  you want my neighbor to kick me out.

Hobi:  Then!god damn it!!  open the door!! its freezing outside

Door opened

* smack on head*

What was that for?? I asked him
He gave me angry look jeez~~

Yoongi: lets go, stupid face~~

Hobi: lets go grumpy turtle😁😁😁

Yoongi: lets go~ before I loose my temper.

He gave me death glares

Both of them made their way out of Yoongi's house driving towards Namjoon's house.

Yoongi { p.o.v }

As soon as we parked. We heard a loud noise which sounded like something crashed on ground. And we definitely knew who caused it.

Yoongi: what do you think he broke?

Hobi: I don't now. I thought there were was nothing left in his house.

Yoongi: yeah,whatever lets go and see.

We walked towards the door and pressed the door bell. We heard shuffling from inside not long after few seconds the door was opened. They walked inside..

Namjoon: hey, guys~~

Yoongi: jeez~ namjoon, what did you break today??

Hobi: yeah, I am curious.what's there  in your house is left  to break??

Namjoon: nothing ~~it's just I-I broke my par-

Hobi: oh, I am getting curious!!

Yoongi: Don't tell me!! the clock????

Namjoon: hahaha😓

Hobi: OMG!!!! RM, YOU ARE DEAD!!!!


Namjoon: it's ok I will explain that  to my parents. when they will ask me about it. But,for now we should get going. We only have 45 min.

Yoongi: yes, lets get going.

Then the three friends drove towards the university.


Above pic describe how they look in this chapter~~

Plz excuse grammar mistake and typo errors.

Love you guys.

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