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All seven of them were heading towards their room. Where they will start their journey as a group.All of them were smiling.

Hoseok{ p.o.v }

I am so happy that  my plan worked.


Hoseok: excuse me, mam?

Office lady: yes~~

Hoseok: I want a favour from you?

Lady: yes dear, tell me what do you want?

Hoseok : * showing six applications* Can you please put us together in one group??

Lady: how can we cheat like that?

Hoseok : please mam.
* giving  sunshine smile*

Lady: let me check applicant

Hoseok gave her  the applications.

Lady: ohh~ I know these guys. He was so worried when I told there will be different groups. He really loves  his friends.

Hoseok: yeah and my friends are love them. I want them to be together.

Lady: is there any plan???

Hoseok :* smirking*Just act real like they are really  picking an group.But, put them in one group when you will announce  names.Pretend like they selected that group.

Lady : oh its a nice plan~But, what will be the group name?

Hoseok: * thinking* BTS!!

Lady: wow what a nice name!What does it mean?

Hoseok: its mean "Beyond The Scene".
Our music will be liked through out the world.we will put our souls in our songs and performance.

Lady : wow~~ very meaningful~

Hoseok: thank you so much for helping me! You  are really great!

Hobi smiled at her.

Lady: its okay~Actually, Let me tell you a secret~~

Hoseok:  huh~ okay!

Lady: we don't put student in group because of chits. there is nothing written inside the  chits. We see applications and decide which student goes better with other students.And I was going to put you seven members in same group.I saw your friends seeing some applications with so much love in their eyes.When they handed me those applications.
I saw those three cute boys .I thought it's prefect to put you guys together. But, I didn't know which  name to give. Now thanks to you~ I have a name.

Hoseok: *surprised* thank you so so so much~~

Lady: your welcome~~

End of flashback....

Author's{ p.o.v }

My seven precious members arrived at their room.they walked inside the room.They were stunned it  was huge. there was a studio, dance room, exercise room and all the things they needed.

Namjoon: wow~ I think I can prepare melody to my new song in this studio.

Jin: I didn't know you write songs joonie.

Namjoon: yeah!suga can write too.

Jin: who is suga?.

Jimin and Tae: yeah~ who is suga??

Yoongi: its me~~

Jimin: hyung, you can produce songs???

Yoongi: yes cutie~

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