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Namjoon's house:

They arrived home. They were really tired.Both hoseok and yoongi plopped on couch.Kook was lying down on floor.

Namjoon: Guys sleep in my home today. We should go together tomorrow anyways.

Jungkook: yes~~

The other two were already sleeping.

Namjoon told Jungkook to sleep in his room. So,Jungkook went towards namjoon's room and  fell asleep.

Namjoon{ p.o.v }

I saw the time in my phone. It was 7pm. There were 2 hour left for dinner I thought of writing lyrics for sometime.

Two hours later~~~~~

Namjoon: ahh~I completed half of the lyrics.* stretching*

Jungkook: hyung~ I am hungry* still on namjoon's bed*

Namjoon: ohh you are awake. Let me order food.

Namjoon closed his lap top.

Jungkookook : ooookkkk~~* yawning*

Namjoon: please go and wake yoongi hyung and Hobi.

Kook: * getting up from bed* okay!

After namjoon ordered the food they were  suiting at dining table.The food arrived  soon. they ate and went back to sleep again.Except for namjoon.


Jin, jimin and Tae had arrived home.
Jin saw time it was 7pm so, he decided to start preparing dinner.

Jin: Jimine and Taetae go and take nap. I will call you once  dinner is prepared.

Jimin & Tae: okay* yawning*

Jin :* cute*

Both the babies went to their room and slept until the dinner time.

Jin walked to kitchen and started his work.

Jin*what should I cook for my babies?*

Jin started cooking.He made kimchi fried rice and soup.It was 9 pm when he finished  placing all the dishes on the dinning tale. He walked upstairs to wake up jimin and Tae.

Tae's room:

Jin: Tae baby get up~~its dinner time~

Tae: *wiggling*

Jjin sat on his bed and patting him to get up.

Tae:* yawning* yes eeeeoommmmooo~~~~~

Jin:I will wait downstairs baby.

Jin walked out of his room.

Jimin's room:

Jimin was already awake rubbing his eyes.

Jin: jiminie? oh you are  awake~~ come downstairs and eat dinner okay.

Jimin: yeah eommo I will be there in 5 minutes.

Jin: okay baby~~

Jin walked downstairs.After awhile both of them came down.After finishing the food.Both of them went back to their room and slept.

Jin was washing dishes.

Author{ p.o.v}

Namjoon:* should I text him or not?what will he think about it?*

Jin:*  should I text namjoon or not?
He told me to text if I am free. Is he waiting for my text?*

After thinking for a while Jin thought of texting namjoon.

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