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Hi guys hope you are enjoying so far.
How was your day????
Keep smiling~~
What am I talking??
Hope you like it~~

Jeez I said it again~~


RM{ p.o.v }

I was getting tense. Because, we didn't want to loose the opportunity.
Hoseok was driving in full speed
I saw time it was almost 10. There were only 2 min left and we were near parking lot.

I saw a guy. Let me tell you he was really handsome and beautiful. He  might be older than me.His natural black hair were silky. I saw his eyes when the wind brushed his silky hair. I saw a spark in them.When I looked behind him. There were two other guys. May be younger than me.

Hoseok parked the car and We immediatelly rushed out of the car and ran  towards the office room.

We arrived at the office room. It was already 10: 05 am when we arrived there.We were panting hard.I saw the office lady sitting there....

Namjoon: good morning mam.

Lady: good morning.

Namjoon: we are here to submit applications. Sorry we are little bit late.

Lady: huh~its ok ,dear. Give me your applications.

I gave our applications to her.I saw my friends taking deep  breaths.
We literally ran like a beast was behind us. Just like in temple run.
I heard lady telling something...

Lady: I have checked it.

Namjoon: okay~~

She explained me everything.I was little bit anxious and worried.I turned to look at my friends. They had same expression  as me.
Because, we wanted to be in same group.

The lady saw my expression and
She spoke again.

Lady: you guys have the same expression. Just like a boy he had come to submit application here before you guys few minutes ago.

Namjoon: ahhh~~ I see.* smiling*

She saw my friends were still panting  and told some workers to give us water. We thanked her.

After catching our breath. We were about to leave. Suddenly wind blew through window and some applications form fell on the ground.
My friends helped them to pick up.

One of the application catch my attention.It has the name Kim seokjin written on it. The guy has same sur name as me.Then I flipped the page to see the photo of the guy. I don't know from where the curiosity came. But, I wanted to see the picture.

When I flipped the paper. I was shocked to see the same guy. I saw in parking lot a while ago.

I felt happiness rush inside  my body.
Just because of his name I was feeling so happy.

What if he......




I was snapped out. when I heard hoseok calling me.

Hoseok { p.o.v}

I saw namjoon staring at a certain application.I called him But, he didn't hear me. Because, he was so focused.

Hobi: namjoon..NAMJOON....GOD OF DESTRUCTION....

Namjoon: huh???yes sorry.

Hobi: what are you looking in that application???

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