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Hey guys~~~👐👐👐👐

Hope you guys are enjoying the story~~



Jin { p.o.v }

We arrived at the university. To tell you the truth My jaw dropped. It was a huge building. I looked towards my babies to see their reactions.When I saw them. They were stunned and looking at building with wide puppy doe eyes.

 They were stunned and looking at building with wide puppy doe eyes

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Jimin: Taetae, This is university or what????😍

Tae:jiminie, are we really going to study here?? Its so big and beautiful!!

I chuckled seeing my babies. They were so excited to study here, just by looking at the building. So cute~

Jin: both of you close your mouths.
Insect will go inside if you don't close your mouths~

They both immediately closed their mouths,  started giggling looking towards me.

Tae: eommo I am so excited!!!

Jin : baby, me too~Lets park the car first then lets go inside. Yeah~~

They both hummed in return.

Jin smiled at them and parked the car near parking lot.


When we arrived near the place.I was so happy because the university building was so beautiful. For a sec I thought it was a museum,
And I can see many different things  there.Hehehe~~

Jin eommo parked the car then we walked inside, towards the entrance of the university.


After passing the gate we were inside the university.It was so peaceful and beautiful green environment here.I thought I can spend my whole life here.

Jin: jimin ....JIMIN BABY......JIMINIE....

I snapped out of my thoughts. When I  heard jin emmo calling my name.

Jimim: ahh~~ sorry eommo,I was just lost in in my thoughts.

I saw jin hyung smiling at me.

Jin: jiminie baby, I know you love it here. We will have much more time to see around. But, for now lets go and submit the application, okay~~

Jimin: yes, hyung.

Jin: good baby~~

Jin ruffled jimin's hair before walking towards office room and submitting their application form. They saw a lady smiling towards them.

Office lady: good morning ~~

The lady smiled at jin.

Jin : very good morning mam.
* smiling*

Office lady: are you guys here to submit your applications?

Jin: yes, mam.

Office lady: okay, please give me your applications. I have to check them.

Jin gave their applications forms to the lady.The lady went through every details.After checking that everything was correct and filled without missing any details. She spoke...

Lady : I went through everything.You guys are really good.

She gave them a genuine smile. 

Jin: thank you, mam.

Jimin and tae:thank you, mam!

Lady: aww~~ your welcome. You guys are so cute~~

Jin saw her taking something out from her bag. She gave them chocolates. They were surprised. But, nevertheless took it.

Jin : thank you, mam.

Office lady smiled at him before starts  explaining...

Lady:  you  can start coming to university from Monday. After a week you guys have to pick the groups. And let me tell you.You guys have to select in which band you are gonna be.You will have to pick a chit which will contain  group names. If you guys choose a certain group then you guys have to be in that group till you complete your course.And of course you can leave when you take your own career. But, for the time being you will be with the group you choose~I think I am clear. If you guys have any questions you can ask me anytime~~

They were listening carefully to the lady. As it was very important for them.

Jin: if we are in same group. we have to live with them??

Lady: yes, dear. University will give each group a apartment to live with your members.

Jin: oh, I see. thank you mam.Have a nice day~~

They greeted her goodbye  and walked away going  towards  parking lot.

Jin was little bit nervous and many thoughts were going on in his mind.

Jin{ p.o.v }

 We were walking towards parking lot. It was all most 10 am. There were still 2 min left.

I saw a car coming in full speed. may be they were late.Who will miss this opportunity. I guess they might have got in some business.

I saw my babies they were already opening the car door. They took one glance at car then went inside and sat on backseat.

I saw a boy he had grey hair(RM). He was sitting in passenger seat. There were other three guys too. One with orange(Hobi),one with black (suga), other one had black hair(kook) he had bunny smile.I thought he can my baby too. Just like my two babies.

Jimin & Tae: eommo....EOMMO JIN.....JIN HYUNG!!!!!

I snapped out.when I heard my babies calling me. I went inside the car sat on the driving seat.

Jimin:Jin hyung, what are you thinking???

He looked at me curiously

Jin: nothing, jimine...

Tae: eommo is hiding something~~

He pouted.I laughed and ruffled both the boys hairs.

Jimin: were you seeing that guy ???
He smirked

Tae: awww~~ eommo, is in love???

I don't no why but I blushed. I just shook my head and start the engine.

I saw both of them chuckling at me.

Jimin: Tae, he didn't deny~~

Tae: so, he will  be our appa???
* boxy smiling*

I felt my cheek burning red.

Jin: babies, stop thinking too much. lets go,home.

They smiled and stopped discussing.

I thought what could his name be????








I start engine and started driving....

I hope we will meet again.


Thank you guys for your votes!!!

Bye 👋👋👋👋👋

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