1~ Doorbell

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"Luke! I'm leaving!" Lana shouted from downstairs.

"Okay. I'm coming down." I shouted back running down the steps.

I saw Lana standing by the front door with all her things. I picked up two of her bags and walked to her car. She grabbed her purse and keys and followed me out. I put all her things in the backseat and closed the door. I turned to face her and enveloped her in a hug.

"I'm going to miss you Lana." I whispered in her ear, tears beginning to spill from my eyes. Out of the corner of my eye I seen a dark figure move. It went behind the bushes in my front yard. Figuring it was just an animal or something, I brushed it off and focused on Lana.

"I'll miss you too Lukey." She said. We pulled away and I looked into her blue eyes to see that she was crying.

"Don't cry Lana." I said wiping away her tears with my sleeve.

"Your crying too." She chuckled, causing me to smile. She gave me one last hug and kiss on the cheek before climbing into her car and driving to the airport. I watched her car disappear in the distance. She was the only family I had left. My father and mother left and we were left alone. Now my baby sister is leaving for college in a different country. I'm all alone.

I walked back to my front door but I felt someone's eyes on me so I turned and looked around but the streets were empty. Of course they'd be empty, it's midnight. I went inside and closed the door. I sat down on the couch and turned on the television. Nothing good was on so I got up to turn of the tv but someone rang the doorbell. I slowly walked towards the door. I looked through the peephole but I couldn't see anybody so I opened the door. There was nobody there but there was a piece of paper on the floor. I picked it up and it read, Lock your doors, gorgeous. xx -H

H? Whose name did I know that started with the letter H? I looked around to try and find maybe a teenager hiding somewhere but I didn't see anyone. I shrugged it off and closed the door, locking it and turned to go lock the back door. Before I got to the back door I saw a shadow crossing in front of the curtains. That was the window in the kitchen and the only way to get near that window was to be in the backyard. I walked to the window and peeled the curtain open glancing outside. As I was about to close the curtain someone's face popped up.

My heart stopped. But I quickly realized that it was Ashton, my idiotic best friend. I pointed towards the back door and he started walking there. I opened it and waited for Ashton to come. Once he made it inside I shut the door, locked it, and turned to face him.

"You fucking shit," I spoke sternly, "You nearly gave me a damn heart attack!"

"You should have seen your face!" He said breaking into hysterics. "I really wish I would've recorded that."

"Not to be rude but what the hell are you doing here?" I huffed. I love Ashton to death but he can be a handful sometimes. He's like a giant kid. He IS a giant kid.

"Well you said Lana was leaving tonight and I wanted to come say goodbye." He said.

"Well genius, your too late. She is already gone." I said smirking. Ashton has a huge crush on Lana, he never really wanted to admit it but he already knows that I know it.

"That's sucks!" He frowned, "I wanted to make a move tonight."

I smacked him in the back of the head and he groaned. "That's my baby sister your talking about. You are not going to be making any moves on her. Only over my dead body."

I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. I remembered the note that was on the floor outside the door and thought maybe it was Ashton. "Hey, Ash!" I shouted to the kitchen.

"Hmmm?" He hummed in response, since his mouth was full of chips. Typical, every time he comes over he always raids our fridge and pantry. 

"You're very funny with your pranks today," I said sarcastically, "you really got me with ringing my doorbell and leaving the note on the ground. Hilarious."

"What are you talking about?" He asked, confused. I looked over towards the kitchen with my eyebrows knitted together. This could probably just be him trying to drag the prank out. He walked into the living room, bag of chips in hand, and sat next to me. I grabbed the note from where it was lying on the coffee table and showed it to him. "You're not 'H'?"

"Hmmm. Nope that is not me. But sounds like someone has a crush on you Lukey!" He said, amused. "Lock your door, gorgeous." He said, jokingly pinching my cheek.

"Nobody has a crush on me." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, obviously someone does. What if she or he is hot. What if he is really hot. Like super hot... Well hot to you because I'm not gay. Wait that sounds bad. I'm not against gay people......" While Ashton continued to ramble and apologize to me I turned on the news.

"Breaking news," The news lady said, "In the Cheshire area there has been a report that a patient from Homes Chapel Mental Institution has escaped. This man has been described as tall, lean, curly hair, green eyes, thick British accent, lots of tattoos, and very dangerous. He goes by the name of Harry Styles."

"Holy fucking shit!" I whispered, my eyes widening. I remember that name. That kid went to high school with Ashton and I.

"What?" Ashton asked, clearly he wasn't paying attention to the tv.

"R-remember Harry Styles from High school?" I said, "Remember how he was taken away because he was like a psychopath or something like that."


"He escaped the mental institution. He is loose in the streets of Cheshire." I gulped.


"So? That's all you have to say? Ashton, we bullied that kid! He's psychotic, for all we know he could be looking for us right now!" I yelled.

After I finished yelling everything went dark. The only source of light was the faint glow from the street lights outside that peeked into the window. "L-Luke? What h-happened?" Ashton stuttered. He's extremely afraid of the dark.

"The power is out." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him into me. A noise from the kitchen caught our attention. It sounded as if someone had knocked something over.

"Ashton, stay here. I'm going to go see what that was. Okay?" I said quietly.


I got up, letting go of Ashton and walked towards the kitchen. I went in and looked around, but nothing was there. I sighed and navigated my way back to the living room and to the couch. I sat down and patted around looking for Ashton. I felt my hand touch what felt like his leg then I heard, "Luke I-is that you?"

"Yeah it's me." I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"It's me too." A deep, thick British accent spoke. An accent that was all too familiar.

The accent that belonged to the one and only Harry Styles.

The psychopath.

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