Chapter 3

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Niall's pov ~

I woke up and let out a loud yawn as I stretched my arms and legs out. I rubbed my eyes trying to get the sleepiness out of them. I sat up letting out another yawn before getting up and heading to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped off my underwear.

Once the water was the right temperature I hopped in. As I washed myself off I started thinking about Ella. I really enjoyed her company and wanted to hangout with her again. She was so nice and looked really cute in her outfit yesterday.

My thoughts started to drift into a direction it shouldn't have so I started thinking about the concert we were about to have later tonight. I was pretty excited about it considering we hadn't been to Chicago in a while. I really missed home but Chicago was a pretty decent city.

Anyways, I turned off the water and stepping out of the shower. I dried off my hair and my body then went to get dressed and ready for the days activities.

Ella's pov ~

I woke up in the same cloths from yesterday when I went out with the boys as a treat from their manager. I don't remember much after getting into the limo and falling asleep on Niall's shoulder. Might I add that he is the best human pillow to sleep on.

I stretched then went into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the mini radio while I got the water ready. The song that came on was "Talk" by Khalid.

I hopped into the shower singing along. I really like this song and I swore to myself that I would add it to my Spotify playlist. I recently downloaded that app but I have yet to like my favorite songs and add them to specific playlist. By the time I got out of the shower I heard someone knock on the door.

I turned off the shower and put the rob around my body and went to open the door. Another somg started playing in the background as I opened the door. The slight smile on my face dropped once I got a glimpse of who was knocking at my door.

To my dismay and utter surprise my Aunt Mary and Uncle John were standing in front of me with evil smirks forming onto their lips. I quickly tried to close the door but my uncle was slightly quicker than that and stopped me.

He pushed the door open so hard it made me fall backwards to the ground. I ended up getting burn marks on my fore arms and legs trying to soften my landing.

My aunt, not giving me any time to brace myself, walked over and grabbed me up off the floor and punched me square in the face. I let out a semi loud yell in pain. I hoped that someone would come up to this level and help me. I screamed again as my aunt hit me but in the side of my rib cage.

"Why are you here!? Get away from me!" I shouted realizing the boys should still be in their rooms.

Harry, Niall, Louis, someone please come help me.

"Shut up! I had to take care of your sorry butt since your parents died!" She yelled.

Being the ruthless one of the 2 she decided to toss me i to the hallway wall. My head started throbbing as I dropped to the floor. My vision blurred as I looked up at my aunt who was now hovering over me.

"You did nothing for me, I even had to pay some of your stupid house rent and everything! Now stop abusing me, get out of this hotel and leave me alone! I am not going back to New York with you two bastards!" I seethed at the both of them.

If I was going to die, then I was going to go down swinging. With all of the strength I had, with my head still spinning, I stood up jist enough to swung at my aunt catching her off guard and sent her into the wall across the hall. As soon as I stood up fully, I felt a strong blow hit me in the stomach making me cough and gasp for air. I looked up and it was my stupid uncle now joining in.

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