Ella pov~
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing which made me fall off the couch and onto my back. That hurt a lot by the way. I groaned since I am not a morning person what so ever. I grabbed my phone and answered it while looking at the time.
It was 5:45 in the morning! Who in their right mind wakes someone up this early in the morning!? Pissed I picked up my phone and answered it and on the other line was Angel. She knew from when we were seniors in high school that I hated being woken up this early. If she were here I would have totally strangled her, but sadly I can't.
"ANGEL MCCLAIN! YOU KNOW I HATE BEING WOKEN UP! WHAT DO YOU NEED!?!?" I shouted/ whispered making sure I didn't wake up Zayn.
"Well I am sorry, but I thought you would be up already." She said calmly.
"Not when it is 5:58 in the morning! Now what does my bff need this early in the morning?" I asked now annoyed.
"I just wanted to wish you a two day early happy birthday, since I won't be able to talk to you for a while,but I guess you totally forgot about that huh?" She said.
"Holy crap! I totally for got about that...thanks. I am still a little pissed that couldn't have called a little later. But yeah thanks and you better be careful and send me pictures of your cruise." I said yawning.
"You are welcome miss sleepyhead and I will don't worry. Now I need to finish packing since I will be leaving in an hour or so. Bye bestie I love you and I will miss you!" She said in the same way after we graduated.
I told her by then hung up the phone. I tiredly crawled back onto the couch and fell right back to sleep wondering what I was going to do on my birthday.
*A few hours later*
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Oh my friggin goodness! Can I not get some sleep around here!? I mean dang who is at the door and why at 8:36 in the morning. I even fell off the couch again, this is the worst!
I It was their manager what's her name...oh right it was Diana.
She stormed in all mad that no one answered her calls. I really was out of it from last night and early this morning. I sighed and told her to calm down and sit on the couch while I made her some tea. She nodded quickly so I guess she heard the pissed tone in my voice.
"Now what do you need them to know,because they all got drunk yesterday while we were at Dave&Buster's. Also no one was there but us so don't get mad." I said handing her a glass of coffee and yawning.
"Thanks and ok I won't also thank you for getting them here safely. Also I wanted to say that instead of them having an interview at 12 they will have the interview at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. You could also go with them if you want." Diana replied before taking a long sip of her tea.
I nodded yawning again knowing that she wanted me to tell them. Before she could ask or tell me I told her I would tell them and that she didn't have to worry. She thanked me dearly and left with out another word.
I sighed then laid back down on the couch falling back asleep for maybe a few minutes since I had to go let the guys know about what she said. I sighed walking over to Zayn.
"Zaaayn its time to wake up! Please wake up!" I whined and yawned at the same time.
He rolled over and looked at me then whined asking for five more minutes. I laughed on the inside saying that if I haven't had enough sleep because of you I will not let you have any either. She sighed and sat up I the bed. He yawned then stretched out his arms before looking at me.

FanfictionElla ran away to try and start a new and hopefully happy life. On this journey Ella will end up meeting 5 boys who might be able to help her find some happiness. Will Ella be able to out her past behind her to be happy and even fall in love? Or wi...