The beginning.

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Shouto p.o.v

I flexed my fingers infront of me. Each breath I took formed cold clouds, each billow fading up into the night sky. The tree I sat against towered over most in its vicinity, the view stretching over the forest endlessly until the city paths that glinted at the bottom of the hill.

"That human boy.." I muttered, lost in thought. I trailed off, the rest of the thought finishing in my head. 'I have never seen a young human child act so fearless towards my kind.. he was completely unaffected by the miasma..'

Thoughts circled through my head like fish, slipping out of reach when I tried to catch them. "He wishes me all the happiness.. in the world?"

I mulled it over, wondering what he meant. "I wonder what makes him so unique.. perhaps I shall follow him and learn of his origins." I held my arm up to eye level, gazing at the mark of alligence to him. The mark of a familiar.

The red lines had swerved into a single maple leaf, encompassed with sakura flowers and a circle of smaller leaves, presumably being carried off by a breeze. 'Hang on..'

I looked closer, and the leaves were shaped like fish, chasing eachother across my skin.

I scoffed and lowered my arm. My weight sunk into the bough I laid against.
'How childish' I had thought, 'the mark that frames the soul, the core belief of the master I serve, is of dancing fish leaves.'

A sigh drifted out of me. Such a spontaneous decision.. Usually I wasn't prone to those. And yet in a single moment, my very soul grasped onto the arm of a shivering weeping human. After a moment of reflection I stood up on the branch I had been laying on.

My gaze fell upon the shrine perched on the top of the hill. Dread blinked out from the shadows of my mind. 'I do hope it isn't true, but I did see him head in that direction..'

I summoned a flurry of snow, and transported myself to the final tori gate. Ahead the wooden structures were decorated with small useless charms, chimes and offerings. Just being near it was making my skin feel the tension of tearing apart.
'I must be quick. Just to be sure' I reconcile before taking swift steps in shaded sections of the cobble path. The sour air crushed my lungs inwards. 'This barrier.. urgh.. that infernal human woman..'

I came to approach a building off to the side that much resembled a human nest. The yellow glow inside spilled out before me. If I were human like them I'd mistake it for a kind and welcoming household,

but I knew enough to see through such thin disguises.

I opened one of the doors, and quietly stepped inside. I searched each and every one, but no boy was found. The woman's dozy breaths confirmed she was sleeping soundly, but my presence was already beginning to disturb so I hastily moved on. The effect of the barrier was so consuming that I had scratched absently at my skin, sharp red nails grazing until beads of blood began to form. A scowl pulled at my face.

'I need to get out of here soon.'

There was one last room I hadn't checked.

The uncomfortable pain had me swing the door open. I was about to curse myself for losing my control,

but there he was, sleeping soundly. Without much reason, I felt drawn towards the boy.
'Is this the effect of being a familiar?'

I close the door behind me and quietly approach his bed. His room was small, but filled with posters of 'The great tamer' All might. 'Legend has it that he has over two hundred familiars.. how disgusting..' And yet, something about him was respectful. The contrast irritated me. I could only hope that he treated them well.

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