Entrance exams

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I woke up with a jump, chest bolting forwards out from the peaceful sleep I laid in. Shocked panting breaths were the only sound filling my room as I took a quick look out of my window. The sky was just beginning to show some colour, pink hues creeping out of the night's purple remains.

Why did I awaken in such a state? I tried to figure it out for a moment..

O h .

"TodAY'S THE DAY- T-TODAY-" I began to panic, before realising I wasn't the only person who lived here. "Oh, right, m-mom's probably still sleeping.." I winced. Habitually I whimpered out an apologetic "sorry mom.."

This was it, this was the day. My chance to become an exorcist and keep humanity safe. The entrance exam!

My early morning chores blurred past my racing mind, I showered, made breakfast, brushed my teeth and all the usual with doubly lightning pace than usual! To my relief I soon took in the fresh morning air when I stepped outside into the cobbled patio around the shrine.

I had been training my abilities daily, nightly even (if mom didn't catch me). It got to the point where she was hiding my weights before I went to bed, though she consistently insisted she didn't with a giggle.

Here on the morning before the exam I found myself practicing talismans and going for a run up and down the steps once again. I knew this wasn't going to be enough however, especially considering the source of my anxiety..

My talismans were still fluctuating in their effects. Some gave signs of activity, most laid barren.

'How am I supposed to exorcise a yokai if I couldn't even produce a small illusion?!' I despaired over and over and over. Each negative thought was consolidated with a flimsy spark of energy before the paper wilted. The exam wasn't looking so achievable anymore..

The competition between me, and the rest of the participants who hadn't had their abilities thrust upon them around a month ago.. it was never going to be an equal playing field.

I inhaled and settled my thoughts.
'Well.. I can't be too harsh on myself, it's the first time I've managed to make anything happen at all..' I packed up my equipment. There was no use in exhausting myself, keeping my fighting spirit was vital if I wanted to try and remotely stand a chance.

As my feet carried me at as steady a pace as I could manage, my mind carried me elsewhere. As each stone step met my foot with my descent, UA loomed over my future. So grand.. so mysterious.

Every year the entrance exam remains unspoken. Each time a student was asked, it was as though there was a great weight holding the truth down. Responsibility in their eyes in each and every interview snagged by agencies.

Slumping into a seat on the bus my mind whirled with wonder! All the things I would learn, things to save lives, make people safe..

My endless wonderings were stopped short by a screeching halt of my stop. Feet bolting out before me even asking I was carried through tight gaps in the crowd, the wind of excitement billowing behind me up till the wooden ornate gates.. oh how I dreamed of walking under them..!

A crooked smile cracked across my face, "I'm walking under them,
I'm wa l k in g u nd er t he m -"
"Under what?"
"whAAH!-" I launched backwards to the amusement of a brown haired girl. Rosy cheeks and a sunny smile she laughed into a lightly held fist.
"You sure are jumpy huh! Haha!"
"S-s-s-soRrY!!" I bowed, sweat flooding off of my forehead, "I-I'm just uhh," barely scraping up the courage to meet her eyes again my fingers fiddled amongst themselves "I'm just v.. very excited to be here.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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