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Izuku p.o.v

I strolled out of the school gates with a heavy heart that day. I knew Kacchan was right, but I just couldn't accept it.
I just couldn't. Not after all this time.

All my efforts to make my mother proud can't just be brushed aside like that. Even if I can't see them, I can definitely tell when they are around. I don't need to see them to exorcise them. A blind man can still cross a road.

Everyone may have brushed off what had happened today, but my mind didn't stop twisting and turning at all these new things to think about. These things were hardly nice thoughts.

'My mother needs someone to keep the shrine free from evil spirits, demons and youkai. She needs someone to watch over the forest and tend to peoples prayers so they could make a safe journey to the deities. Shouldn't I be the one to pick up the torch? Her own son?'

My thoughts wrapped around me like rope, constricting my breath with anxiety and regret. Regret for things that weren't even my fault.

The sound of my shoes padding against the concrete faded away as my thoughts closed me in. A cage of my own self-doubt.

I approached the familiar dark tunnel ahead, my mind blotched out from the real world. Too many thoughts had overrun me, they had claimed my senses almost entirely. All I could tell was that the shadow underneath was dense and foreboding.

Mid-way through, an idea squeezed its way through the silent roaring of my thoughts.

I stopped dead center in the middle, kneeling down to the floor. I carefuly took out a talismen with a brush and a small portable glass of ink. Removing the cap with an empty heart, I begin to paint, pressing the paper against the uneven tarmac.

I wrote "Light", my hand making neat curves.

Nothing happens. I wait, wait for something to happen. Anything. Not a single speck of light appeared.

'What am I doing..'

The wind howls through the tunnel, pushing against me harshly. Reality was setting in faster than I had hoped. My hand reaches for another talismen, scrawling a word over it.


Nothing happened. A desperate clawing ravaged at my stomach.
I pulled out another. And another.


I sat in a pile of flittering papers, defeated. The wind carried them past me like autumn leaves. I just stared blankly. The empty craving in my chest only grew.

I fished out one last talismen from my pocket. My thumbs caressed the edges longingly. "Could I ever hope to be who I obviously am not?" Whispered out of my mouth under the screaming gusts.

I wrote one last talismen, hoping for one little sign. One sign that could show me I shouldn't give up at all. Just something small, I didn't need much. Even just a flickering spark.


I lie in wait, crouching over it protectively. I wait for five minutes, and absolutely nothing happens. Just as I had expected.

The wind took it out of my shaking hands, and I was forced to watch it drift away. How symbolic. My eyes stung.

I stood up to leave, but when I took a step, my shoe squelched into something. I try to see what it is, but it was far to dark to even guess.

A slimy mucus slips around my shoulders. I quiver at the feeling, snapping my head around to see what it was. Despite searching frantically, nothing was there to see. And yet, I knew exactly what it was.

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