Extra: Learning the basics

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Todoroki p.o.v

I stood next to my master in his room, patiently waiting for him to wake up. I had noticed something peculiar, which was that I had gotten used to the seal on his home, and the itching was now bearable.

Small clanking sounds against wood twitched against my ear from the kitchen, making them twist to hear it better. I looked back down at my master and then at the noise.

"I'll be back in a moment master, I promise."

I traverse the twisting corridors of the shrine until I reach the kitchen where the green maiden is working away at the countertop. A strange acrid smell was coming from somewhere inside.

As soon as I entered the room, her head turned towards me viciously, eyes narrowed. 'This might be a difficult first impression to fix..'

I collected myself and my thoughts, walking over and having a closer look at the kitchen.

It was very rustic looking, plants in small pots littered around. Warm oak cupboards lined the back wall, and on the shelves many herbs and spices were neatly placed in rows. Some of the spices were also labelled as ingredients for healing humans, and for damaging my kind as a last defence.
'So this is what I smelt..'

Pans hung from below the cupboards except for one, which was placed on the top of the oven, oil sizzling away.

"Would you mind if I watched? I wouldn't mind helping out if that would make my presence more bearable."
She seemed shocked at this notion, her eyebrows raised when she turned her head to look at me.

"You want.. to help cook?"
"Of course, my master needs to eat and when you die he'll need someone to prepare the food in your place."

I was met with an offended silence, but she kept her eyes on the ingredients in front of her, chopping the vegetables neatly into cubes.

I came closer but still retained my caution, looking at the meal. Carrots and cucumbers were neatly sorted into two piles and she was now finely slicing an onion. This came so naturally to her that she was lost in thought.

'It's hard to imagine someone actually using these vegetables as food.. how strange..'

In silence, I simply watched her follow her routine, moving from one side of the kitchen to the other, collecting shiny pots and pans and the like. I could tell that my presence was irritating her, but this time, she seemed to be tolerating me, letting me watch.

She opened up the fridge and dragged out a featherless dead chicken, tearing it out of the packaging and cutting it into pieces with a new knife. She then takes the bones into her hand and discards them in the bin.

".. Why are you throwing away the bones?" I ask as she moves away from the bin, my curiosity breaking the silence.

"Because humans don't like the bones."
"Why? It's the best bit, nice and crunchy." She paused, then continued to slice the onion a little more quicker.

"... Humans have much different.. tastes compared to youkai" she concluded with a hint of disgust in her tone. For some reason, I felt much more nervous around her, my ears folding down a little out of instinct.

"I recommend you put some eyes in next time. Not human ones, maybe a.. cows eye at least. Humans eat cows right?"
"No thank you youkai, this meal is fine just the way it is."
She seemed to be uncomfortable from what I was suggesting, eyebrows creased in annoyance.

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