Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

All I felt was rage: blinding hot anger. Then I felt calm. Strange. It was as if I didn't feel anything, as if all my emotions were sucked out of my body. I felt nothing.

My body reacted on impulse, apparating me to somewhere. I don't know where. It went against the main rule of apparition: to clearly visualise one's destination. However, my emotions and powers seemed to make an exception. I was also fully intact of body parts. Luckily. 

A flash of light. I was in a room. 

With nothing.

And then, there was everything.

The room constantly changed, first devoid of life, then filled with birds and trees and wildlife. Change. Nothing. Then, abundances of food and drinks with tasteful aromas and delectable appearances.

Again. Again. Again. And again.


I don't know what I was thinking. It just seemed so troubling. It's rapid movements and changes were distracting and alarming in a way. 

But I was surprised when the room obeyed my command.

It stayed in place.




Ever so lonely. 

Remembering the prior events, I felt myself suddenly become overcome with emotion. A dam that had been building up inside me suddenly burst.

The only word which kept repeating itself in my mind was: 


Why did it have to be me?

What did I do wrong?

Why was I neglected?

Why was I forgotten?




Because you're "weak".

Because you're a "fool".

Because you're a "waste of space".

Because you're a "mistake".

Because you "shouldn't exist".

Third person's POV

Tears streamed down his face as the young raven-haired boy collapsed, losing consciousness as soon as his eyes closed and his body slumped into memories of the past. 

Memories which were best forgotten.

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