chapter 3: the power puff girls to the rescue?

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(Yn) pov

'so I've been living with the boys for a few days it's a little odd living with them and I still get depressed sometimes but over all its ok.' I right in my note book boomer gave me I don't really know what to do with it but I want to use it. "Hey what are you doing?" Butch asked trying to grab my note book "I'm just doodling in here" I lie "hmm no I bet your righting about your love for me!~" He says and winks at me. man from what I heard about them this is not how I expected them to act. "Um no." I say plainly " hey stop bothering (yn) ! " boomer says "I'm not bothering her stupid,what gives you the right to say that to me anyway!?" Butch says cracking his knuckles. "Don't threaten me! I-I could take y-you on if I wanted to!" Boomer says nervously "oh yeah?! " butch yells "y-yeah!" Boomer stuters\yells " ladys , ladys your both pretty I'm leaving now but don't fight! " i say. Boomer looked at the ground and butch crossed his arms. I leave the room to cook dinner I'm hungry.

Boomers pov

Ok...well Um I'm glad (yn) stopped us from fighting... But I was just trying to impress her. Brick gets off the couch. He walks over and slaps butch on the back of his head "Hey! What was that for!?" butch yells. . " what is wrong with you?! why are you trying to kill boomer!? your acting stupid! not that you didn't before, it's just you have never been so ' flirty' or whatever. " I didn't understand half the things brick said...but butch did I think. "I'm going through changes and I'm not ok" butch says and fall's to the floor.
"Um ok?" brick says and leaves. I don't know what's going on or what there talking about I'm going to ask my toys that (yn) will never know I have! I smile and walk to my room

(Yn) pov

I'm in the middle of making (ff) for me and the boys when someone comes crashing into the hideouts window right by me! "Huh?!" I look over and it was buttercup from the power puff girls . And then the front door opens, blossom and bubbles walk in. "Really buttercup? Did you have to do that?" Blossom says. By this time someone had already flew into the kitchen with me it was...


It was boomer. He pulled me to him "what are you doing here? !" He tells at them. " We're here because you kidnapped her! " bubbles says pointing to me. "Yeah we saw everything when we looked over the cameras!" Blossom says " well then you should know we saved her! " he says. "What?" Buttercup asked. " and you can't have her because she's mine! " he says holding me tighter. I blushed. Now all the boys are standing beside boomer and ready to fight! Butch looked a little jelly that boomer was holding me. "Well um do you want to stay here (yn)?" Bubbles asked. " Yes" I say. "Oh...well We're watching you guys so don't do anything stupid!" Buttercup says all the boys stuck there tongues out at them. When they leave the boys asked if I was ok like 100 times of course I told them I was ok. Butch and brick left so it was just me and boomer. "Hey boomer?" I look at him " yeah? " he asked looking at me "you were really brave" I say kissing him on the cheek he blushes. After that he helped me make dinner.

It was brick and he looked really mad! He got in front of me and was ready to fight "you can't just bust in here and scare poor (yn)!" He yells.
" Well I'm sure you scared her more then a little glass breaking! " buttercup says and punches him right in his face. He seemed unfazed but he now has a black eye. He kicked her gut. "Why are you g-guys even here?!" I yell making everyone look at me. " well we're here to get you of course! " bubbles says confused "you know because they kidnapped you." Blossom says " but I want to be here there my friends! " i say "oh...I'm sorry about the window and um your nose I guess." Buttercup says and they leave. I get frozen meat out of the freezer. " sit down so I can put this on your eye. " I say. he grunts and rolls his eyes then he sits down. I put it on his eye "so...we're Just friends huh?" He says playfully. I blush. " shut up! " i say and punch his arm teasingly. he laughs.

It was butch! I've never been so happy to see him! Wait what?... Any way he comes up behind me and raps his arms around me. "Is there a problem ladys?" He asked them " uh yeah you kidnapped her" blossom says "hmm I didn't kidnapped my girlfriend isn't that right babe?~" He asked with a smirk. I'm so getting him back for this! " yeah that's right. You didn't kidnap me. " I say "hmm well um are your you sure your dating?" Bubbles asked " yes and if you girls won't leave I'll have to throw you out!" he yells "hmm alright we're going but we are watching you!" Blossom says and the power puff girls leave. "So now that we're dating~" butch starts to say but I cut him off "We're not dating!" I say blushing . "Well the least you could do is kiss me for saving you with my manly charm!~" He says smirking. I kiss his cheek and then whisper in his ear " what manly charm? " "h-huh!?" He says I start running " you come back here and I'll show you my manly charm! " he yells and starts chasing me

(Hey so... If you wanna ask the boys a question or something you can and they will answer it at the end of each chapter)

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