,chapter 5 part 2: a date!

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( thank you darlings for 1.63k reads! I love you all! <3 )

'So today is is the day of my date...my first real date...ever...yeah this will go well. I couldn't sleep last night. I'm excited and really nervous at the same time. I've been thinking of all the ways it could go wrong like what if he gets arrested?! What then?! Like I'm going out with a wanted criminal! Where are we even going to go?! I could die! Ok I need to calm down I'm being overly dramatic... This is going to be fun I'm sure of it!' I continue getting ready. I put my favorite outfit and my makeup on. While I wait I sit on my bed that they "borrowed" from Ikea. (Jokes on them they had to put it together.) And I look at my author-chan poster. 'Oh author-chan when will you post again I've been waiting for months' (tehe O3O) then someone knocks on the door.

"Hey boomers waiting outside for you." brick said. "Ok!" I say enthusiastically. Im so excited! I walk outside and he was waiting there in a tux with a blue bowtie looking at a peace of paper. "And we will have...that's stupid no-no I should sa-" he says then stops when he sees you. He blushes "uh um i-i..." He looks at his paper then says "you l-look very pretty!" He then hides the paper behind his back like you didn't see it. "Aww thanks boomer!you look very handsome but why are you reading lines off that paper?" You say while laughing a little. "Oh uh...whaaaat p-paper?" He says while blushing. You walk up to him and hug him taking the paper without him noticing. "This paper!" I say holding it up. But when I hold it up I accidentally read the last few words. ' <3 kiss her and tell Her you love her :)' I decided not to say anything. I blush and say "you c-can just be yourself you don't have to read off a paper." He smiles "well ok I g-guess..let's go." He says holding out his hand i take his hand and follow him.

Boomers pov.
Red alert!!! Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I've done been found out!!!! What does that meaaaaan!!!! Why is she blushing?!!!! "you c-can just be yourself you don't have to read off a paper." She says i smile. she's so sweet! "well ok I g-guess..let's go."i say. She's so pretty... i hold out my hand for her she takes my hand and follows me. She's holding my hand this is great we're just like a real couple. Well I guess we are one, man that's amazing! I blush thinking about all the stuff we're going to do. We could cuddle! Oh my that would be great! Wow! I wasn't really watching were I was going....

(Yn) pov

He looks so happy and he's blushing I wonder what he's thinking about? Is all this because we're holding hands how cute. Oh man he's about to run into that tree! I pull him back "huh? Oh t-thanks (yn)! Um well we're here!" He says moving and showing me a picnic by the lake were he asked me out. There was a blanket on the grass and flowers he picked in a jar."Wow boomer.~" I say. "You don't like it we could go w-watch a movie!" He says worried. "Oh no boomer I love it!" I say he smiles and we sit down. He brings out the food out of the basket. There was (f/f), sandwiches, and muffins. "I-I made it myself." He says blushing. We eat while talking when we were done he pulls something else out of the basket. It was a grey cat plush. He gives it to me. "Here I got t-this for you!" He says smiling. "Aw it's cute! Thanks boomer!" I say hugging it. "I-I you know... I'm... you I w-well." Boomer starts trying to tell me something. "What?" I ask. "I love you!" He says blushing. Wow he's actually gonna wow...he's so cute! "I...I love you too!"I say blushing. And then we just sit there awkwardly. I thought he was gonna kiss me. Maybe he forgot or he's to shy. Hmm. "H-hey (yn) is it ok if I you know...k-k-kiss...you?" He asked blushing red while looking at the ground. Awww! I lean in and kiss him.

"Hey there's ponys outside oh my gosh come look there pretty (yn) come seeeeee!!!" Boomer says and runs back outside. I walk outside and see a horse-drawn carriage. woah he went all out I didn't know he was gonna get a horse-drawn carriage! Boomer was petting the horses but one of them tried to eat his hair so he ran back inside. I go over and brick helps me up. He was wearing a dress shirt and dress pants with a red tie. "Wow you really went overboard just for me huh?~" I say. "Shut up and enjoy the ride"he says blushing and pulling me to him. I blush and lay my head on his shoulder. He doesn't say anything for the rest of the ride. We get to what looks like a fancy restaurant. We get down and we go in. "W-welcome please f-follow me to your seats." Says a scared waitress. We follow her to a table. "Why is no one but the staff and is us here?" I asked brick confused. "Uh let's just say I... Reserved the whole restaurant." He says smirking. Jeez. "Alrighty then..." I say. The scared waitress walks back over with menu's. "And w-what would y-you like to drink." She asked. "I'll have dr.peper." he says. I don't thinks that's on the menu. I guess he doesn't drink? Well neither do I. "A-and for y-you ma'am?" She asked. "Um (f/d) thanks" I answer. She walks away. "I got you these..." he says giving me flowers. "Thanks brick there beautiful!" I say. The waitress comes back with are drinks but she trips and accidentally spills our drinks on Brick. He gets up and he looks mad. "I-im so sorry s-sir I didn't mean to!" She says. "This is my first date with (yn) and you just had to go and ruin it!" Brick yells. I get up, step infront of the scared girl and i look at brick. "Brick sit down it's no big deal it was a accident and she said she was sorry so chill." I say calmly. He sits down. They sent out a new waiter with some drinks. "A-are you ready to order now?" He asked nervously. "Yeah I'll have the number seven." Brick says. "And I'll have the same" I say. We enjoy are food and talk. And before we leave I almost kiss him... almost he kinda just hugged me when I tried. "L-lets go home." He says blushing.

"Hey butch is waiting outside he's ready to go!" Brick says. I get up and head outside. i get in his car. "Ah are second date." He says. "what do you mean, this is are first date." I say. He just laughs and winks at me. Then We get to the beach! I pull off my cover up and we get out of the car. He was wearing swim trunks with no shirt. I told him to wear a shirt you can see how well that went. He blushes a little looking at me like the perv he is. "You look hot babe.~" he says smirking. I roll my eyes and we head down to the beach. When we get down there we go into the ocean and swim around. We mess around and then we go and eat. "You have something on your face." Butch says. "Oh were?" I ask grabbing a napkin. He kisses me. "Right there.~" he says smirking. I blush. "Y-your such a cliche!" I say flustered. "Aww that hurts my feelings.~" he says putting his hand on his heart dramatically. Then the sun starts to set. We watch it together but suddenly someone comes flying down it was boomer with a what is that I can't tell. Butch picks whatever it is up and turns back to me. It was a puppy! (If you don't like dogs just change it to a cat or something???I guess???) he got down on one knee and said. "Will you raise this dog with me?" He smiles a genuine smile. This is the best thing ever!!! "Yes of course?!" I say jumping up and down. Soooo cute!!! "What do you want to name him?" He asks. "how about Ciel?!" I ask. "Sure." He says. "So now that your his mommy~-" he starts to try and say something that I'm sure would be perverted, so I put my hand on his mouth. "Shh don't ruin the moment." I say holding Ciel in my other arm. He laughs and moves my hand. "Alright.~" he says. We pet Ciel and watch the sunset as boomer slowly backs away.

/// The camera slowly zooms in on author-chan and pinkxchie  having tea while wearing top-hats,and monocles. "Huh what are you l-looking at me for there's no comments and stuff today..." Author-chan says.

Then it goes over to what looks like the news with butch sitting at the desk. "Welcome to fanfic news were we tell you the news about fanfiction!" Says guy person. "Hello all you lovely ladies!~ you all look stunning today!~ I'm your host butch JoJo here to give you the news about this fanfic only this one because I don't know about any others not that I'm qualified to give the news on anything but that's another story!" Butch says smirking. "So about posts" he's gets cut off by fans screaming. "Yes yes I know author-chan barely updates, so she will be doing a Christmas chapter and a new years chapter very soon! Yes I know your excited. And yes she knows it's late.~" he says winking. "Now this video of my brother boomer talking in his sleep has been...found and I totally didn't film it on my phone. Let's take a look!" He says with a playful smile.

"I love-" then the video 'messes up'

"What's wrong with the video?" Butch asked. Then boomer comes out and tackles him. "How did you even get your own show?!" Boomer asked trying to hold butch down. "Because the people want what the people want which is me! Because I have way more fans then you and a handsome face! That is if you even have any fans!" He says throwing boomer off him. "I-I have fans there j-just shy! And no one likes a narcissist!" Boomer says getting up and trying to punch butch. "Uh yeah they do apparently!" Butch says dodging. "And that's all for fanfic news!-" guy person starts saying while boomer and butch fight in the background. "Your face is stupid!" Boomer yells. "See you next time" guy person says.\\\

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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