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He gasped, sitting bolt upright. Everything around him white. His head started spinning. Closing his eyes again he tried to focus, telling his brain to sit still.

"JaKe? GoOd YoU'rE aWaKe." He looked up. Nothing, the voice he could hear was distorted, he didn't know why. "Do NoT bE aLaRmEd, I aM aFrAiD I cAn'T tElL yOu WhErE yOu ArE. JuSt ReLaX, fOoD iS bEiNg SlId In ThRoUgH a HaTcH. yOu MaY eAt, ThOuGh It MiGhT bE uNcOmFoRtAbLe." Looking around he spotted a plate in the corner of what now seemed to be a room. He hesitated, was it a trap, would he fall into the white obyss that surrounded him... hunger took over, he rushed forward spooning the food into his mouth, it seemed like porridge but the taste was all wrong. Ignoring the weird taste he finished the bowl wiping his lips.

Before blacking out on the floor of the whitecell

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