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"Abbie..." I breath once more.

My bestfriend, pushed me away

"She umm... she was crying on Annabelle's shoulder and she said 'Luna, not now' so Annabelle forced me out, saying that she knows best and that I shouldn't be there, here" I say

"She did what now?" He asks shocked.

"But you know what? It's fine, Abbie wanted to talk to her, not to me, and apparently she has been doing this for a while cause I don't know things that Annabelle does, which I guess is fine , considering that she's also a friend of Abbie's"

"Luna, it's not fine, she shouldn't talk to you like that"

"No, it's okay, this time I, and you will let this slide , but next time, I'll fight back" I say looking at him, only to see him looking down at me.

"She already commented about your hair" he points out "three strikes, that's what she gets" I say "or else I'll kick her ass" Jungkook huffs, making me laugh.

"Here is the Luna I've been looking for!" He exclaims as of surprised to "find me".
Causing me to laugh even more.

"Now, stay happy, like this, for me" he says kissing my hand and I nod slightly.

"Luna and Jungkook, are you ready yet?" Kara walks in the room "I see that you are no--Luna what's wrong?" She asks, probably noticing the tear stains on my face.

"Nothing, I'm fine, ready for what?" I ask

"we are going to the beach, so put on your bathing suit, Jungkook was supposed to tell you" she says and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

"Sorry, I completely forgot, I just got caught up with you" Jungkook says playing with my hair.

"What if we just stay here?" I ask now sitting on him, each of my legs on his sides, his hands on my lower back, my arms wrapped around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair.

"I'd love to do that babe, but you know we can't, we are here on vacation with our friends and we wanted to spend time together, all of us" he says caressing my cheek.

"I know, but you and I haven't been together alone for a long time, more than three months, we barely see each other anymore, with school, your career and now mine, I miss you, a lot" I look in his eyes and see that he feels me.

"I understand baby, and I miss you too, but we should be with everyone okay? Then maybe tomorrow or tonight you and I can spend some quality time, just like you wanted" he wiggles his eyebrows at the end causing me to blush.

"Yah! Jungkook! I wasn't talking about that kind of quality time" I say hitting his chest laughing along with him.

"Well I was, of course I miss talking to you, but I also miss touching you" he says pulling me closer

"Jungkook and Luna! Downstairs! Now!!" We hear Jin yelling.

"As you said, later" I wink and get up from the bed, and well, Jungkook.

"What's taking you two so long?" Hana knocks on our door and I open it.

"We needed to talk, just go and we'll catch up" I smile "Kara told me you were crying, everything okay?" She asks worried, pure concern in her eyes.

"Neh, I'll talk to you later, but please just start walking to the beach, Jungkook and I will be there in a few"

"Alright," Hana says and with that she leaves.

"Alright, let's get dressed Kook" I say opening both our suitcases.

I take out my red two peice swimsuit and Jungkook's red swim shorts.

I change in the bathroom , as Jungkook changes in the bedroom.

I shouldn't be wearing this bikini , I look like a pig, and I'm not joking or exaggerating. I look awful, I knew I shouldn't have taken this swimsuit with me.

Real talk time, I , from all the other girls in our "gang" am the one with the "curviest" body shape. I've always felt uncomfortable but now is the most, probably because we're going to the beach and everyone will be looking and I'll be wearing very small amount of clothes on.

With my mind made up with what I should do, I leave the bathroom and start looking for my one piece bathing suit.

Knowing myself, and my insecurities, I brought along with the bikini, two one-piece swimsuits, one red, one black.
But, before I manage to take it out and run to the bathroom to change, Jungkook closes the suitcase.

"Yah! Pabo!" I say hitting his chest.

"What were you doing?" He asks "looking for my one piece swimsuit" I say "wae" he asks

"because I look terrible and feel uncomfortable" I say

"you look incredible, like a freaking goddess"

"That's sweet, but no"

"Luna, Jagi, I'm serious, you look amazing, and please just don't give a fuck, because you are my girl, and in my opinion you are absolutely gorgeous and I assure you that I'm not the only one who thinks that"

"I don't know kook"

"For me princess, please? Put on shorts and a tank top, and if you'll be really uncomfortable
- just leave the tank top and shorts on okay?for me baby, and this evening you and I will have a date, I promise" he holds my hand.

"Okay, let's go to the beach" I say as I slip into my red short pants and Jungkook's white buttoned up blouse, which I leave open, like a kimono.

"By the way, when I said date, I meant you and me breaking the bed later"

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