f o u r t e e n

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"Jungkook, why won't you dance for us during the break? Might give a good example for the trainees" Mina suggests as the trainees get 5 minutes off.

"Ani, he doesn't have time" I say instead of him, not wanting him to feel pressure.

"That's okay Jagi..." he starts to say causing the trainees to fangirl.

"I'll dance, only if Luna will dance" he says looking at me, deeply in my eyes.

"Oh, I don't dance," I shake my head.

"Sunbeanim, please?" One of the trainees asks

"Luna, we'll do say you won't let go" Jungkook says "for me?" He asks and I just give in.

I mean, who can resist that cute bunny boy?

The two of us stand in front of the class and Mina starts playing the song in the speakers.

(Dance video in description video. Rights do not belong to me)

"Your dance skills improves" he says as we start dancing "yeah, thanks to Mina, Jimin and Hobi" I laugh.
"Hey! I was helpful too" he pouts "not so sure about that" I laugh as he pouts.

"We should dance more" I say "I can't believe you would imply such dirty deeds next to your trainees!" He exclaims causing me to hit his chest playfully.

We continue dancing, until our choreography ends.

"That was really good!" The trainees and Mina compliment in different versions each.

Jungkook and I bow.

"Well, we will be going now, continue the good job" I say and leave the dance studio, Jungkook tailing me.

Jungkook and I walk hand in hand towards the entrance to the building, on our way to his car.

"Hey um listen, my parents and brother will be coming tomorrow for a visit day and you are joining me" he says "that's great!" I say happy.

In all honesty I love Jungkook's family. I really do, his mom and I talk often, mostly when she calls but sometimes I call her too, to ask how she's doing. She's really nice, I really love her.

His brother and father are nice too, I often make jokes with them.
Jungkook, his brother, me and his brother's fiance have a group chat that is very, and I repeat very active.

"But why do you seem so uneasy?" I ask him "well, eomma started asking me about marriage... she wants to know if we have any plans for the future" he says causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Marriage? I don't think we're ready for marriage" I say "that's what I told her, because I know that we are not ready for that step yet, but I'm telling you this so that you won't be surprised if she tries to talk to you about it tomorrow" he says and I nod.

"Well I have to g--" he starts to say but my ringtone cuts him off.

"Hold on, it's Lucy" I say before answering the call.

Oh right, you have no idea who Lucy is.
Well, Lucy is my older sister, one of them...
I have three older siblings,

Jade who is the eldest (35 years old) she's married and has twelve year old twins, a boy, Jamie and a girl, Mackenzie.
Jade her husband Oliver and their twins live in Seattle.

Jackson is my second eldest brother (30 years old) he's also married and has a four year old boy named Sam.
Jackson and his wife Amy live in Dallas Texas.

Last but very not least, Lucy (28 years old) the sister before me. She isn't married but in a relationship with her finance Tom for about 10 years and they have a five year old boy named Charlie.

Lucy and Tom got engaged when Lucy found out that she was pregnant, but they are yet to be married.

The couple and their son live in California fifteen minutes away from my parents.

Speaking of my parents, their names are William and Jennifer. Bothers of my parents are Korean, except my dad was born in New York and my mom met him when she and Abbie's mom were traveling there, that's also when Abbie's mom , Youra, met Abbie's dad, Mike.

And if we were talking about Abbie's parents, I should let you know that she has an older brother named Eathan, and he's older than us by two years.

So this is my family, (and Abbies)
Now, back to the story.

"Hey Lu, you're on speaker, Jungkook is with me" I say as I answer the phone on speaker.

My family met Jungkook two times, as I remember. Both times when they visited me in Korea. And obviously they met his family those times as well.

Because my dad is Korean it was important for him that we learn the language so all of us siblings know how to speak. I am the only one who can speak fluently. My siblings mostly understand but don't know how to read/write  but they can make conversations.

So when they met Jungkook they could actually communicate with him directly and not through me, my dad, Namjoon or google translate.

And yes, they also met the rest of the band which is why I mentioned Namjoon.

Abbie's parents and older brother visited with my family too so it was only natural for them to meet our friends who just happen to be the Bangtan boys.

"Hey Jungkook! Hey Chip! Can you talk? I have something really important to say" she asks "go ahead" I say "Tom and I set a wedding date! We're getting married!" She says excited.

"Holy shit Lu! That's great! Congratulations!" I exclaim "Congratulations Lucy!" Jungkook joins in.

"Thank you! Now, the date is November 20th which is in eight months, but you need to write this down because you two have really busy schedules, and of course Jungkook you are invited too, so is Abbie and the rest of Jungkook's band" Lucy says

"Okay, we'll let them know" Jungkook says "thanks, and I will need you all to RSVP quickly so we'll know how to prepare ourselves... and one last thing before I need to hang up, Luna I was wondering if you could  be here a week before so you can help out" she asks

"yes, of course" I say "okay, well, I love you two but I need to go because I am at work, so, bye!" She says and hangs up the call.

"Well..." I start "what" Jungkook asks "now your mom won't be the only one bugging us to get married" I laugh, Jungkook joining.

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