s i x

9 3 2

1.3K words,
I'm trying to make the chapters
a bit longer.
Hope you like ❤

Jungkook and I walk hand in hand to the beach.

Because the guys are famous and can be recognized in the eyes of the public, we rented a beach house with its private beach so we can enjoy hanging out on the beach without being interrupted by paparazzi or fans.

"Hey! Look who finally showed up!" Jimin smiles causing everyone to look in our direction.

"Hey Luna!! Come with us" Kara says grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the girls, as Jungkook stays with the guys.

"I wanna see your swimsuit!!" Jehee says and the girls nod.

I lift up my tank and button down my shorts, to give them a quick review of my red bikini.

"I just love it!" Hana says "thank you, but I just feel uncomfortable with it" I say honestly.

"Wae? You look really good" Jina says

"kamsahamnida, but it's just my insecurities"

"Well, I think you look gorgeous" Kara says "I agree" Mina says.

"What are we talking about?" Annabelle asks walking with Abbie, hand in hand towards us.

Great just great.

"About how beautiful Luna looks in her bikini" Jehee says pouring herself a cup of lemonade

"And I keep on saying that I don't feel comfortable in the bikini, but now I do so let's  drop the subject" with that being said, I button up my shorts and fix my tank top so it's fitting properly.

Honestly, after hearing the comments from the girls, I feel more comfortable with what I am wearing, I don't know why, but I'm happy it happened.

"I understand what you're saying, I mean, your body shape isn't exactly fitting for a bikini" Annabelle says

Did I say happy? Fuck I mispronounced.

"Annabelle, that's really rude" Jehee says "oh come on, all I did was saying my opinion" Annabelle defends herself.

"You know what? I think I'll go to the water for a bit" I say and walk away.

"Luna, wait up" Kara says and holds my arm, walking with me towards the water.

"Ingnore her Luna" Kara says "it's easy for you to say, you're not the one she's insulting" I say as we sit down on the warm sand looking at the view.

"Luna, she's a bitch, and believe me when I say that no one likes her" Kara says "besides Abbie and Namjoon" I correct her

"don't be so sure about that" she says.

"What do you mean by that Kara?" I ask her chuckling.

"Well, rumor has it that Namjoon was meaning to break up with her, but then she heard about this trip and somehow managed to join, so he'll probably break up with her after we get back" Kara smiles wiggling her eyebrows making me laugh.

"I don't know about that,"


"Okay, let's say that Namjoon will break up with her, what about Abbie?"

"Well, that might be slightly more difficult, but the reality is that you have no reason to see her, unless she's Namjoon's girlfriend" Kara says

"Abbie completely pushed me away before, and... I just...I don't know Kara" I say placing my head in the plan of my hands.

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