Chapter One

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Is all she can hear as she walked through the familiar narrow dark corridor, making sure her hearing is ten times more heightened than usual. This was the most challenging and difficult task ever.

Even more difficult than fighting three vampires at the same time.

Funny how she shouldn't be scared and nothing would stop her from doing what she wants but right now that's definitely not the case. She was so focused on being aware if anyone is around she suddenly found the huge wooden door right in-front of her. She took a deep breath, glanced around to double check, cause hey, she doesn't want her body to be somewhere and her head somewhere else. She took out the key and slowly unlocked it, entering and locking the door before she walked into the huge library. And by huge it means five stories huge with a lot of stairs scattered in-front of the platforms. The room smells like ancient wood and paper. The black haired girl made her way to the last section she was in last time and started searching... Again.

"Where are you.. C'mon it's been a month and all you give me is useless information. For once, I want to find something interesting here" she mumbled to herself. She paused and stared ahead of her at the set of books placed on the shelf.

"You know I could use a hand here".

Turning around to face the man who's been lurking around the library since she entered. Orange hair still standing out even the though only the light source was coming from the moon outside. He gave her a smirk and scoffed. "Why would I help you? You know Raven, I could easily go to them and tell about how you sneak every single day to the library to find whatever the hell you're looking for."

"Jeez, cut the act Jung, it's getting annoying" Raven, huffed and turned around and continued to search for the book.

"Fourth story, first shelf...." She paused and slowly turned around and met his eyes again, "first book on the left..." He placed his hands behind his back and smiled proudly. Her eyes almost fell out of their sockets and Raven quickly used her vampire speed to get to the location he just announced. She crouched down and grabbed the wanted book. Wiping the dust away with her pale hands, Raven finally read the words which she has always wanted to read ever since her foot stepped in this castle.

History of the Dark World

"H-how?" She turned around with a smile on her face, ready to even go up and hug this man for saving her time of searching.

But Raven found no one.

"Hoseok?.... For the love of life, stop disappearing like that" She rolled her eyes at his behavior, got up and headed to the door. After exiting and locking it, Raven went straight to her room, trying not to make the slightest noise.

She arrived safely and headed to the wall behind her bed. She moved the bed with ease and pressed a button to open a vault inside the wall itself. Placing the book and securely locking it, The girl sighed in relief and went straight under the covers, knowing that in about five minutes, the night people will come and check to make sure everyone is in their beds, sleeping. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but the thoughts and excitement kept rushing back in every time she tries to block those emotions, and telling herself she has plenty of time on her sleeve tomorrow to read the book and just, maybe just find out anything that could save her from the hell she was living in. Perhaps there is an answer to everything they were looking for. Perhaps there is a way out, a way to let go of all of this depressing chaos those creatures were living in. A purpose to live. Perhaps Raven can even find herself, explore deep into her personality and great mind.

Some people in this castle have the same ambition that this vampire has, the same goal. Yes, they did get stronger and smarter. But they were not using these skills anywhere. They were not fully aware of what could be out there. Just a bunch of what you can say the most powerful creatures on this planet, but with no purpose.

"Having those thoughts again?" Hoseok questioned after the night people checked on their room and the next five ones.

She hummed in response and he sighed heavily. "Don't worry Rave, I promise, we're gonna find a way out".

"What if we don't? I don't want to rot in here for the rest of eternity."

"I'm.. thinking of something."

There was a long pause before Raven huffed and turned towards the orange haired guy.

"I don't read minds, Jung. What is it?"

"I'm thinking of... Gathering some people-"

"No, don't even think about it again."

"Raven, listen for a sec-"

"Hoseok, I can't trust anyone in here. You know that. What makes you think I can gather a bunch of people whether I know or not and share my plan with them?" Raven whispered and he sighed. "Just the close ones, I don't care about the others. Maybe they can benefit us."

"Even if something happens and the leaders know, we would have backup. We have to make up a team if you go by yourself or if I do, this is called suicide. Don't forgot what they are capable of doing, Raven." He explained more.

Raven pondered for a minute or two.

"What if something bad happens? What if we get caught? I can't guarantee that those people will be trust worthy-"

"If any of them even thinks about letting someone else about our secret, I won't hesitate to rip their heart out." He paused and they locked eyes.

"You know that."


First chapter is up! I hope you guys
like and enjoy this one. I'm so nervous!
Also for the photos or edits that I'm gonna include in this story do not belong to me. Credits to owners.

Love, H.

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