Chapter Two

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•England, 1895•

"C'mon Raven! We're going to miss the ball". The red haired girl exclaimed while running, one hand holding her dress and the other clutching on Raven's hand. Raven was not as thrilled as Christine was. Nevertheless, she agreed to attend the ball for the sake of her friend. "Honey, we are not going to be late, don't worry and slow down my heels are going to break!".

Christine slowed down and they strolled down the hill towards the huge mansion, which started to get bigger and bigger as they got nearer. The red head was very excited, meeting new people and of course to gawk at the young handsome sons of wealthy families. Raven on the other hand, was there only for the alcohol. Meeting new people was nerve racking to her. Sometimes when she attended those balls with her parents, she comes back home with tears in her eyes because her mother would force her to talk to every single person there.

Soon enough, they approached the cream colored mansion, surrounded by a huge garden, colorful flowers littering the area everywhere. A quite good number of people were there already, chatting and gossiping about everything and nothing.

The young girls entered the household, a huge chandelier with a big hall welcoming them. Raven snatched the first glass of red wine she laid her eyes on, Christine rolling hers when she saw her do it.

"What? Don't judge, I'm nervous" Christine lifted her hands up in defense, a small smirk playing on her lips.

They continued going deeper into the crowd and found a couch to sit on. A few minutes passed by and a young man approached them, they smiled instantly and got up to greet him.

"Jung Hoseok, where have you been all this time?!" Raven smacked him slightly on the back of his head and kissed his cheek. "Ow! You girls seriously hate me I did not do anything" He pouted in annoyance. Both girls grinned, each girl hooking her arm around his. Raven on his left and Christine on his right.

"I was helping my uncle unpack since he moved back here again, poor man he got divorced for the third time. He looks like shit" the girls giggled and he shook his head, joining them.

"Speaking of moving, have you seen the family who is hosting this ball?" Christine wondered, Raven and Hoseok's eyes started scanning the crowd, searching for any unfamiliar faces, but they found none.

"That's odd, they should show up by now". Hoseok frowned, Christine took two champagne glasses from a tray passing by, handing one to Hoseok who thanked her quietly.

"I'll go get some fresh air, I'll see you both in a bit" Raven blurted out and the two nodded, she unhooked her arm from Hoseok and leaned in whispering a quick 'Don't get too excited, I won't be gone for long' resulting the two to blush furiously. She smirked to herself and headed upstairs, towards the balcony.

As she approached it, she noticed a young man. His back was facing her, arms resting on the railing while looking into the horizon. A strange feeling washed over her, she can feel the strong and powerful energy emitting from him already. She suddenly felt a bit insecure, for some reason. She slowly approached the door connecting the balcony to the rest of the mansion and stood there, contemplating whether she should interrupt the peace he was in or going back and join her friends. Before she can even move a muscle she heard a voice.

"Are you going to come out on the balcony or not?"


•South Korea, present time•

Raven snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and locked eyes with the brown haired vampire she met five years ago. "What's gotten you thinking that deep, your vampire senses started malfunctioning" he chuckled and she frowned, how long was she out?

"Nothing to worry about, sit down" He obeyed and placed the cup containing the deep red liquid on the table, he tsked, not buying it at all. "Raven, you know you can't lie to me" He looked at her teasingly and she rolled her eyes at him, bringing her eyebrows together.

"None of your business, Jungkook. I can tell you or not tell you whatever I want".

"Jeez, chill babe I was just checking up on you" she sighed deeply and turned to face him properly. "How was practice today?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Same as usual, it's getting boring sometimes I want to rip my heart out".

"Slow down big guy, not everyone is as good as you are in literally everything" he laughed at her comment and a small smile formed on her pale face.

"I heard a couple of people are coming to the castle soon" Raven whipped her head towards Jungkook once she heard the announcement, Jungkook nodded, already answering her non-existent 'Really?' question right away. Her dark eyebrows rose in curiosity.

"It's been five years since new people came here, since the time you came" She pointed out and Jungkook hummed in agreement. "Yeah, it's weird. Why did they suddenly stop bringing people here anyways?" He questioned the vampire and she started thinking about it.

"I don't really know, there was a pattern which I figured out, they bring a couple of people twice each year, sometimes just one person. This is the first time that amount of time passes by without them bringing new ones here. I tried asking around but all I got is useless rumors".

The two pondered before a cheery Hoseok came into sight, the vampire plopped on the seat in-front of Raven and crossed his arms, leaning in to talk to them.

"You guys, there's this two new peopl-"

"They're joining, yes we know already" Jungkook interrupted, causing Hoseok to lean back into his seat, huffing in annoyance and Raven to smile widely, looking back and forth between the two vampires.

"I hate how you're always ahead of me" Hoseok huffed again and Jungkook grinned proudly.

"What's gotten into you Hobi? Keep up for the love of life" Jungkook teased and Hoseok mumbled a small 'Shut up' under his breath.

Raven chuckled and rose her own cup of blood, "Here's to dealing with the new people and surviving another day"

"This is gonna be interesting".

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