Chapter Three

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•England, 1895•

"Are you going to come out on the balcony or not?".

Raven, still stood there. Feet planted on the ground as if something is holding her from taking a step. His back was still facing her, he did not even take one single glance behind his shoulders. Still baffled how she did not make a sound yet he acknowledged her presence, she gulped down the heavy feeling in her mouth down her throat and took a deep breath. Taking a step forward, still hesitant.

"If you are going to take a step every two minutes, might as well leave because it is starting to bother me".

"I-I forgive me if I am a source of disturbance, I thought the balcony was empty" Raven flicked herself on the forehead in her mind, for some reason she felt like whatever comes out of her mouth is complete utter nonsense. 'Of course it would not be empty, Raven. The mansion is packed with people'.

He did not answer, however, she continued moving forward until she reached the railing, standing next to him, making sure to leave a little more space between the two of them. She placed both of her hands on the railing in-front of her and admired the view, the mansion's garden can be seen clearly from above, it looked like it had been taken care of very carefully by professional gardeners, and it was. Hills, trees and dazzling houses can be seen as well. There was a long silence before the man started speaking.

"Do you love the view?" He asked, Raven still did not peep at him once.

"I-I do. It is amazing".

He hummed, "Amazing indeed". The man turned his head slightly towards her, Raven still not daring to look at him. She can feel his eyes boring into her. He stared for a bit longer and then turned his head back to the scenery.

"Come walk with me".

She was taken aback with the suggestion, scratch that, it sounded more like a demand. His words made her swing her head towards him and meeting his eyes for the first time. She almost gasped at his beauty. His slightly pale skin made his brown eyes stand out even though it was dark. Although he had a blank expression drawn on his face, his beauty still stood out. Raven may or may have not admitted that this was the most beautiful human being she saw for the past twenty years of her life.

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