Chapter Four

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The shock on Raven's and Hoseok's face got their other friends wondering why did they react like that when the new members entered the hall. The two did not dare to make a sound, along with the rest of the vampires. Raven's head started spinning, not believing what her eyes are seeing. Maybe she's dreaming? Or just a peak of her imagination? No this can't be real. She knows very well this cannot be real. but here she is, just a few meters away from the man she never thought she would see again.

As the two new vampires reached the front, they stood between Ralph and Sylvia. Both of them had their hands clasped in-front of them.

"Introduce yourselves" Ralph was the first to talk after the long dead silence.

"Barbara Cole".

"Kim Taehyung".

Raven felt the air leave her lungs again once she heard the name, and the voice saying it belongs to it. She was still in complete shock and in denial of believing that this was real. But she felt a rush of safety and warmth when she heard his voice, she felt like she was at peace. All the burdens she was carrying it was like they suddenly disappeared.

"As we said before, you know how it goes here. Make sure you fill them in with everything. And don't rip each other's heads off. You may resume whatever you were doing" Sylvia announced ever so coldly and everyone in the hall exited, going back to their activities and continuing their day normally.

That was how they treated the vampires, in a cold manner and very formal. Although they provide everything for them, whether it was safety, food, a place to sleep, education and so on, yet they treated them in the most harsh way possible, claiming that 'it's good to toughen up your dead hearts'. No one dared to say a word of course, because if anyone objects, their head will join the collection down in the basement.

As the vampires exited the hall, Raven and Hoseok stood still, not moving a muscle. Jungkook tapped Hoseok's shoulder to catch his attention but there was no response. Jungkook gave Namjoon and Yoongi a curious look. Namjoon sighed and told Jungkook to leave those two alone for now. The hall was almost empty, Taehyung and Barbara seemed to be exchanging a small conversation in hushed tones.

"Am I the only one imagining Taehyung right now with blond hair in the same room and time we exist in?" Hoseok started, his mouth still opened slightly.

"I-I-" Raven stumbled on her words while watching Taehyung giving Barbara a last nod and turning his head forward, only for his eyes to catch Raven's. It felt like Taehyung could not believe his eyes as well, he tensed up in his place, their eyes never breaking contact, as if their lives depended on it. Hoseok grabbed Raven's arm softly, making Taehyung break the eye contact and moving his gaze to Hoseok, he was even more surprised, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes. Raven gulped loudly and turned to walk towards the exit.

"I need some air" Hoseok's arm fell to his side and in a blink of an eye, Raven was out of the hall, using her vampire speed to flee as soon as possible out of there. Hoseok turned back to Taehyung and gave him that famous soft sad smile of his, adding a bit of hope into it. Taehyung surprisingly returned the smile back and started walking towards him.

"Long time no see" Hoseok said and straightened his posture, Taehyung came to a stop, shoving his hands down the pockets of his pants.

"Long time indeed" He replied, a hint of sadness present in his words.

"Thought you were dead. We made a funeral".

"I know. I was watching" Taehyung dropped his gaze to the ground to have a moment and back up to face Hoseok again. "At that moment I really wish I was six feet under the damn ground".

Hoseok sighed and looked around, the hall was empty, only the two of them left inside. "Join me in my room?" Taehyung nodded and they walked silently through the huge castle towards the bedrooms section.

"You're roommates" Taehyung stated, Hoseok nodded in confirmation, knowing that Taehyung smelled Raven's scent and figured out since the moment he stepped foot in the room. "That's a huge relief".

"You know I wouldn't leave Raven for second".

"Oh I know".

They sat down on the chairs which were placed in front of the huge mosaic painted window, a round coffee table placed in the middle with a bottle of wine and two glasses sitting on top of it. Hoseok grabbed the bottle and poured the wine into the glasses and handed Taehyung one of them.

"Chateau d'Yquem" Taehyung said after taking a sip from the glass, eyeing the red wine inside of it.

"Raven's still keeping it classy" Hoseok said, nodding his head and taking a sip as well.

"That's my girl" Taehyung smiled slightly, his heart felt warm, the feeling of rush and excitement came back once he saw Raven. Finally after a long time of searching, he found her, and he was never planning on leaving again.

"Why did you come back?" Hoseok asked, partly worried of what might happen next.

"I can't do this anymore Hoseok, do you know how many times I've tried to end it all? The guilt is eating me up like a fucking parasite. Not a single day goes by and I don't think about her. I hate every cell I am made of because I left" Taehyung's words were mixed with so many emotions.





"I'm kind of glad you're back" Hoseok said and Taehyung rose an eyebrow at him. "Kind of?" Taehyung questioned and Hoseok let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah well, you were kind of a pain in the ass" Hoseok teased and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "And you're still annoying" Taehyung shot back jokingly and the two vampires laughed, remembering how they used to bicker back in the days, yet they still loved each other.

"I would love to say welcome back home, but that's not exactly the place where I would call it that" Hoseok said sadly after their laughs died down.

"Oh don't worry about that, I feel like home already".

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