Chapter Six

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Once Hoseok heard those words come out of Raven's mouth he used his vampire speed to reach and stand next to her, eyeing the old dusty book.

"What is it?" He asked hurriedly, his eyes roaming around searching for anything interesting inked on the pages. Raven pointed at one of the lines, a cursive handwriting was there.

"This isn't as old as the book, the writing looks like it wasn't there until after sometime, someone wrote it" she explained, Hoseok looked back at her, interested.

"How did you know?"

"The ink looks a bit fresher than the rest of the book. This wasn't there originally..." she continued, "It says: 'Find the cure, or you'll end up in a living hell'... Hoseok there's a cure, Someone wrote it there and they know what it is" Raven's voice was dead serious.

"Why would someone write this here? What's the point?"

"They knew someone would find the book. Someone definitely placed it in the library for it to be found. This can't be just a simple coincidence, Hoseok. We have to find out who wrote this" The vampire with pitch black hair was thrilled to have made this discovery.

"So you're telling me someone in this castle did that? What if it's a trap? Raven, you know if we get caught our heads will decorate the front gate of the damn castle right?" Hoseok looked at her, and he was not even joking about it, not even one percent.

"Yes I know, that's why we have to search quietly and if it's a trap...." The vampire trailed on and looked at Hoseok, "Well I guess at least we tried" Hoseok scoffed and shook his head.


Taehyung ended up sitting in his new room, he still did not meet his roommate yet.

He was looking out the window, trapped in his own thoughts. He wondered how Raven ended up here, what could have happened to her to be trapped in this place, and how long has she been here? Questions swarmed his head. He still had to ask her, or well maybe Hoseok for the time being since all she was doing is sending daggers with her eyes every time she sees him.

He sensed someone coming into the room, a man about his height, well built with messy light brown hair. The vampire closed the door behind him and stood there, narrowing his eyes at Taehyung.

"So you're my new roommate huh?"

"Obviously. Didn't come here to just look around" Taehyung fired back sarcastically, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Welcome to the hell hole, you're gonna love it. Anyways, my name is Jungkook. Hope you're not one of those annoying vampires who stick like a glue to me cause I had my fair share of those" Jungkook huffed at the memory of the multiple ex-roommates he had, God they were a pain in the ass.

"Don't worry, you won't even notice I'm here" Taehyung told him, look back to the window.

"Great!" And with that, Jungkook entered the bathroom that is connected to the room without saying another word.

The vampire decided to go and see Hoseok, hoping he would give him some answers and give him insight about what was happening in this castle. So he got up and went straight to his old friend's room.

When he reached there, he gently knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds before it opened and he sucked in a breath, trying to look as calm as he can, he kind of failed at that because of the sight in front of him.

There she was, in a short black dress, looking comfortable, her hair a bit messy and was flowing around her shoulders, lips a faint shade of red, guessing because of the blood she was drinking out of the glass in her hand.

"Hoseok! Someone is here for you" Raven called, not giving Taehyung a second look and decided to turn around but she felt someone grab her wrist, forcing her to look back at Taehyung. She felt warmth she could not feel in decades, the soft yet strong grip on her wrists made her remember a lot more than what she wanted to.

"So what now? You're giving me the silent treatment?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow at her and she looked at anything but his eyes.

"Let go, Taehyung. I'm busy"

"You didn't miss me, love?"

She glared at him and pulled him inside forcefully before slamming the door shut and trapping him against it with her arms on both sides of his head, eye turning a deep shade of red.

"Don't call me love again. And I don't want to hear anymore from you, do that again and you'll regret it" She threatened, but Taehyung had an amused look on his face.

"You never changed one bit, did you? I like that" He smirked when he heard her heart pick up its pace.

"Raven what- oh am I interrupting a moment here?" Hoseok came in and had a teasing smile on his face.

"No, Hoseok. I'll go back to my room, you deal with him" Raven announced and backed away from Taehyung, who was still smirking.

"No no, it's okay I can give you guys some time t-"

"I said I'm going back to my room" The black haired vampire insisted and threw a death glare at Hoseok who immediately shut his mouth and raised his hands in defense. Raven went back to her room in a flash, before Taehyung can make another comment.

"You're teasing her already?" Hoseok asked, huffing out a laugh.

"I missed doing that to her, you should see the look on her face, priceless" The two vampires laughed and Hoseok gestured at the couch for Taehyung to sit.

Meanwhile, Raven stood behind her door, trying to control her breathing. She could not believe it, how dare he show up and act like nothing happened? It made her so frustrated, but that did not stop her from smiling. She missed him so much, and seeing him up close for the first time in ages drove her crazy. His sharp features did not change one bit and he could not have gotten anymore good looking. She missed him for sure, but she deserved a whole PowerPoint presentation, explaining why he disappeared and how he is still alive. He will have to tell her everything eventually, just not at the moment because she was still processing how the hell is he here.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2020 ⏰

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