Chapter Five

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Raven was having war within that head of hers.

Part of her did not want to believe that Taehyung was back. Hell after all these years if she visits his grave and digs into it, she expects that she would not find a dust of him. But after seeing him standing there, in all his glory, not just that but also with fucking blonde hair. He looked 10 times youthful, but the only thing that proved that he was actually there was the look in his eyes when they met with hers.

Different emotions that is what they held. She could not tell if he was scared or relieved or happy or worried or what exactly. But above all that, he looked at her the same way he used to do hundred of years ago. That same love and lust never left his irises.

Raven took a deep breath before releasing it into the air, she felt someone's presence behind her but she already knew who it was.

"What do you want, Jung?" She asked, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"Nothing, just wanted to check up on my best friend. Can't I do that?" He questioned as he approached her and stood next to her, looking into the bunch of thick trees covering the ground ahead of them. They were on the top of the castle's roof, standing right on the edge of the railing. "No? Okay, guess we'll just listen to each other breathing now" Hoseok said when Raven did not bother answering him.


"I don't know."

"I saw him die in front of my damn eyes, Hoseok..." Raven trailed, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I know, you need an explanation, hell I need an explanation as well. What the fuck was he doing all those years?" Hoseok wondered.

"I don't even think I can face him again".

"I understand. But you have to" Raven hummed in acknowledgement. She had to, eventually. No matter how hard she was going to avoid him, especially now that he was stuck in this huge prison with them.

More silence was filled in the air along with the soft wind and birds chirping in the distance.

"He looks so hot in blonde hair, dammit Hoseok" Raven suddenly blurted out, curving her lips into a smile. Hoseok started laughing and she smacked his arm playfully. "Honestly? He does" he agreed.


Taehyung started roaming around the castle after he had his talk with Hoseok. He knew he had to go see Raven and check on her, at first he wanted to go himself but Hoseok told him it was better to wait and let Raven calm down from the shock. He never expected she would be in a place like that, he wanted to know the reason Raven was in this castle, so he kept this question in his head to ask her or Hoseok later.

He reached the open yard and found a few vampires walking around, talking, reading a book or just staring into nothing. He really admired the work done on the place, especially when the castle used to belong to one of the most wealthy and powerful vampire family to ever exist.

Well not anymore.

He knew the history of this place, and all the dark things that happened there. But still, he knew nothing about it at the same time. He knew it was dangerous in the castle, and he knew all those vampires in here were not kept just 'to keep them safe'. He had a feeling there was more to it, and he was willing to find out everything, because he was so sure that Raven would never be in a place like that. Taehyung sat on one of the benches and looked around, only to notice a man who looked in a trance in his direction. When he felt Taehyung's eyes on him, he looked at him in the eyes and his faced turned into a confused expression. Taehyung being himself did not break the eye contact not even once, but he was wondering why the hell this man was looking at him like that.

To Taehyung's surprise, the man got up and started walking towards him, but Taehyung kept his cool. The man stood before him and pointed at the empty space next to Taehyung on the bench with his eyes. The man sat down after Taehyung nodded for him to sit.

"I think I saw you before" The man started the conversation, Taehyung turned his head slowly to face the man and waited for him to continue. "Don't expect me to say more than that".

"Why?" Taehyung asked back.

"Because I have the shittiest memory". The man simply said which made Taehyung chuckle.

"Seokjin, Kim Seokjin is the name".

"Kim Taehyung" he introduced himself and the other vampire rose his eyebrows in acknowledgment.

"Ah one of the Kim's as well? Interesting. We might be cousins you know?"

"My whole family is dead" Taehyung replied coldly.

"Oh shit. Too bad" the other vampire commented. Taehyung gave him the 'piss off' face and Seokjin smiled back.

"Well... better go search for my fellow friend. See you around Kim" and with that Seokjin got up and fled out of the garden.


Hoseok was roaming around the castle, as usual, studying everyone's moves, habits, doings. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until he bumped into one of those vampires, laying low, not much talkative. He believed that something was up with him, he just had to observe more and find out.

"I see you don't interact that much with everyone else" Hoseok initiated the conversation.

The vampire looked up from his book, dead look on his face, zero emotions, then got back to his reading.

"Alright, nice meeting you too".

Hoseok did not pressure it much, he knows everyone here is on edge, well he could not blame them. Stuck in a huge castle with two powerful monsters to control them and claim that 'it's best for them'. Not good at all.

Hoseok returned back to his and Raven's room where he found her there standing by the window, wine in her right hand and the book in the other, busy reading.

"That Namjoon guy is very weird" Hoseok walked more into the room and paused when he got no reply from Raven.

"Am I interrupting your reading session or did I do something that pissed you off?" He asked and she looked up at him, a shocked expression on her face.

"Okay that look tells me it's something else".

"Damn it is I think I just made the biggest discovery".

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