Chapter One; Creation

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Red's POV

Black, darkness. What was I supposed to do? Oh, yes. I lift my hand and punched in front of me, clawing at it until I could see what looked like light, shining through small cracks in the rocks. My hand bursts out of the rubble as I then threw them aside, making my way out of my large hole. I open my eyes fully and face 4 other Diamonds. White, Yellow, Blue, and Pink Diamond.

"Red! You're finally here!" White spoke happily, confusing me for a bit. Was I the last out of my hole or something? I looked to Pink, having to look down a considerable amount before tilting my head, she was definitely defective, so why did they keep her? Right, she was a Diamond like us.

"Hello Red!" Pink cheered from below, making my cheeks heat up. I smiled and looked to Yellow and Blue, them mirroring my smile. "You sure took your time, Red." Yellow commented, Blue nudging the other's side. "We're glad you could join us, Red." Blue said humbly, closing her eyes and sighing happily. I realized I had yet to speak, making me smile wider.

"I'm glad you could all be here when I woke, White, Pink, Yellow, Blue." I looked at each of them as I nodded happily.

~ Timeskip ~

I looked out to all those that had been created for my colony, a small hum of approval escaping my lips before I nodded. "You who are of my command, I welcome you to life, not only as my own first colony, but as proud Gem's of Homeworld. You will all do well to ensure you are always doing your duties, and making progress to help Homeworld and build our strength!" My voice boomed throughout the giant hall, every Gem looking motivated and determined as they all shouted, "Yes My Diamond!" In response.

As I sat perched in my room's chair setting up the next few planet's White had given me for my first time creating my own colony, Pink came running in happy as ever. "Red! Red! I heard you were setting up your first planets for colonies! I can help!" I turned to her, smiling warmly at her gesture, "I've watched Yellow do this for many many centuries!" She beamed proudly, making me laugh.

"Alright, let's see all you've learnt." I say, pulling her onto my lap and watching her giggle from the excitement. Of course I was made already knowing what to do, I just couldn't help but allow her to do this. Yellow had told me when I first popped out that Pink hadn't yet had a colony of her own, making me feel bad for the tiny Diamond.

"White says I'm not perfect, even though I'm a Diamond too.." Pink mumbles loud enough for me to hear, the female's actions slowing as she looked down. "They all say I came out wrong, that I was meant to be you.." The small Diamond teared up, looking at me. I huffed and smiled half-heartedly. "I heard that you hadn't had a colony yet, Pink." I spoke calmly.

She shifted to lean on me as I continued where she left off, letting her cry on me. Though I did feel really bad, I couldn't have stopped my work half way through it's completion. I'd be having my own special Pearl made for myself, and also for Pink. "It's not fair, I deserve a colony, just because I'm small! I'm a Diamond too!" She 'cuddled' into me, trying not to get tears on my dress-like suit.

I finished the basics of the colonizing and ruffled Pinks fluffy hair lightly, smiling down at her. "Pink.. They'll understand, I know they will. Don't let it bother you for now, I may be new, but there are things I can do for you." Pink then looked up at me questioningly, making me smile cheekily and put my finger to my lips. "Shhhh" Is all I said as I hushed her out of my room.

Now, I will make her a proper Diamond. I worked intensely hard on this new planet, pink in colour without any inhabitants. It was the perfect safe place to make a few Pearls, but I wanted mine and Pink's pearls to be perfect, so that Pinks Pearl could protect her at all costs. Her current Pearl.. Is defective, due to being popped out too early, Pink couldn't have waited, I guessed.

This pink desolate planet was going to be used for only two Pearls, it's quiet and has the perfect minerals and material for sound and flawless creation. I had called Yellow through the direct Diamond line and immediately saw her Pearl. "Who is- My stars! Red Diamond, forgive me," She said starstruck, a light yellow 'blush' over her cheeks. "My Diamond, Red Diamond is calling." She bowed to me, then to who I assumed was Yellow.

"I'll take it from here." Yellow grabbed and took control of the line, a small smirk on her lips "And what is it you've called me for?" She said playfully, making me laugh. "Oh, this is about Pink!" I said cheerily, peeking her curiosity, before she groaned. "Please tell me she didn't beg you for something, Red." She sounded like that had happened many times before... I looked away slightly and laughed, shaking my head.

"No no, this is of my own accord." This got Yellow surprised, making sure she listened as you continued. "I've used one of the many given planets to make Pink another, perfect, Pearl, meant to keep her happy and protect her. I trust this my abilities to this as I've made my own Pearl there also, the two are almost ready. These special Pearls have had the entire planet of solitude and minerals to themselves, so I'm more then certain that they'll come out flawless." I decided to just tell her the shorts of it for right now, as I had put my own personal power into these Pearls.

I saw Yellows shocked face once more, giggling slightly at it, as she had now given me her full attention. "Why would you do that for her? Not only haven't you known any of us for long, she's also a defective Diamond in every sense! So why?" She just stared blankly. Although you yourself didn't get it, you just felt like you needed to see her happy for once, you knew it could be hard being a reject Diamond not being able to be shattered. Diamonds were never shattered.

I smiled as sincerely as I could and put my hand to my chest, looking directly into Yellows holographic eyes. "I could only imagine the pain she bares being a defective Gem, please do tell Blue and White of this, and do not mention it to her, the Pearls still need some time to form, and it would be wise not to let her disturb them." Yellow simply nodded as the call ended, after I spoke once more.

"We will speak about different matters in person with all Diamonds present."

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