Chapter Seven; White Diamond

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Red's POV

We had gone back to Homeworld, I was on Yellows ship while Steven and his friends were with Blue. I was a bit skeptical about letting Steven go with Blue but found no harm in it. Maybe I was just being, what's it called? Selfish! I'll never forget all Pink taught me, and I will continue to keep the knowledge with me until my Gem ceases to be anymore.

Back on Homeworld was the same, boring and dull, work-bound. Nothing was exactly 'fun' in the first place, but Pink would brighten everything up, in ways I didn't truly appreciate then. Had I known Pink was actually alive and happy, would I have turned out like this? I looked to the door as it opened, Steven walking into my room. "I'm hosting a Ball! Will you come, (Y/n)?"

I followed his figure, or lack thereof, with my eyes as he got closer and closer to me, jumping and floating up to me. "Why not, Steven? I'll surely be there." I smiled at him before burying myself in my work once more. It was not in any way difficult, but having no longer had the drive to do it, did make the process slower. Homeworld was never my drive.

I decided it best to contact White myself, seeing as the other Diamonds would probably be too busy to aid Steven in getting the giant Diamond here. A few buttons pressed later, typing ever carrying on, I sent the message invite to White. Now, all that was left, was to hope she'd show up. It was White, unpredictable at the most. I then got a notification, checking who the sender was immediately. 'Blue?'

'The Ball will be tomorrow, Red. Be sure to be on your best behavior, I know that you're excited for it is what's left of Pink. Don't let that cloud your judgment, as a Diamond of Homeworld. Be respectable.' Geez, thanks, sis.

"Pearl," I say softly, catching her attention. She looked somewhat startled, and, well, I was being awfully quiet so I understand.

"Yes, (Y/n)?" She responds in the same manner, smiling brightly. I smile at the name once again, feeling it sounded perfect.

"Send out the in invitations of the Ball to the high ranking gems of my court, we'd not be able to fit everyone so please be wary." I smiled and ruffled my Pearl's hair with a finger.

"Y-Yes (Y/n)!" My Pearl blushed while smiling also. Cute.

(Continuing update: Sorry I've been gone for so long! I'm not that great with consistency, haha ^^; I will be going off-plot from probably here on out, major changes to the SU plot may occur.)

"Red." Cold, harsh anxiousness rose within my being as my head snapped to the entrance of my room. I didn't hear her enter, her voice sounded almost mad. My hair settled back around my shoulders as I threw my eyes around the room, trying not to look into her piercing glare. 

"Y-Yellow? Did you get the invite?" Such a dumb question, of course, she did. She and Blue were normally the first informed. Why did the thought of that feel so bitter? I heard how the heels Yellow wore clicked over in my direction, my mind spinning as I listened to the sound getting louder. She hummed half-heartedly, looking down at me with a softer look.

She saw how I trembled lightly under her glare. Could I be questioned for it? I hadn't much socialized with any of my sisters. I look to my Pearl, just to see how Yellow's tormented her. I felt myself heat up, no longer trembling. "Such disrespect from a Pearl." My breath hitched as I locked eyes with the Diamond again.

"She did nothing wrong." I defended, hearing a quiet yelp from my side. I looked to my Pearl, seeing her on the ground and clutching her head, Yellow's Pearl looking shocked, scared and guilty. "Preposterous!" Yellow's Pearl flinches, looking up to her two Diamonds.

Yellow could feel the heat radiating off my body as I slammed my fist into the arm of my chair, the holographic files on my side fizzing out. I stood from my chair, a bright red circling my figure. "Red, please-" I backhanded Yellow, my eyes glowing ever-so-slightly. "How rude of you both." I seethed, looking back to Yellow's Pearl. She flinched

I could see how tears filled the lemon-colored servant Gem. "P-please, forgive me, Red Diamond, I didn't-" My glare hardened as I heard Yellow stand up, a bit surprised.  "You didn't what? You 'didn't mean to'? Is that what you were going to say? I don't believe you." I bent over to pick up my hurt Pearl, who looked up at me with glossed over eyes. 

"I am as much of a Diamond as you and Blue are, and yet not even your Pearl can recognize that fact. Have you forgotten? Who trained all those soldiers of your courts to fight in the war all those thousands of years ago?" I stood tall, my hair rising and floating around me, the room becoming unbearably heated. Yellow's Pearl looked close to passing out. 

"Red, calm down." Yellow tried to step forward, fire bursting up in front of her, making her halt in her movements quickly. "That is quite enough. Please do leave. I don't know why you came here, and I'm no longer interested in finding out." She grabbed her Pearl and obliged, and only after hearing the familiar sound of doors closing did I relax.

Yellow's Pearl would never forget the smirk that decorated the Red Pearl's face as she was grabbed by her Diamond, purely filled with nothing but spite

I sighed, sitting back in my seat as I looked over to my Pearl. "Thank you, Pearl." She giggled, rubbing her head with a light blush. "It's the least I could do, My Diamond. You didn't seem too fond of the visit at all." How could my Pearl be so right? It was astonishing, but then again, she's been the only Gem I've consistently been around for the longest amount of time.

"Yellow had caught what you called me, and she seemed mad. I couldn't let her take it out on you at all, but seriously. Are you hurt?" I moved her hands away gently, just to see a bit of blood drip down her head. "Ah, well, she did hit me quite hard, I didn't think it'd be... This serious. I apologize, My Diamond.."

I went still as I just looked at how my Pearl tried to hide it again. She didn't deserve the assault anyway, so why her? I closed my eyes as I felt myself cool down considerably. "My Diamond, please don't be sad.." She hugged my finger, to which I placed her down, and shifted into the form of a Quartz. As soon as I was done, she jumped into my arms, and I wasted no time in wrapping them around her, still holding her up as I buried my face into her neck.

"I can't help but be... You're important to me, Pearl.." She sighed, holding me tighter. "I know. (Y/n).. And I'm sorry." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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