Chapter Two; Her World

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Red's POV

I throw my cloak over the back of my head and pinned it there, having it flow behind me as I walked to where the Diamonds gather. I had my own Gem's escort me personally as to not look out-done by my unawareness of planning for making my own Pearl. It was better this way, in the end. I looked down at the three perfect Carnelian's that were happily walking me to the meeting, obviously proud their Diamond trusted them enough.

We got to the doors, to which the Carnelian with her Gem placement on her outer left hand opened, surprising me slightly at the Gem's intellectual knowledge. "My dear Gem's, you may leave, thank you for your help." You smiled down at them, their eyes widening with faint blushes covering their cheeks. They did the Diamond solute and nodded, "You're welcome My Diamond!" Escaping their lips before they trotted off.

I looked to see White, Blue and Yellow, but not Pink. I looked at them confusedly, walking in and humming. "Where is Pink?" I asked, which surprised them all. "My Dear Red, Starlight is not needed here, as she does not have any importance." White Diamond smiled casually, as if it were normal. Which it was, to the older Diamonds.

I frowned and looked at Yellow's Pearl, finding comfort in really anything of Yellow's. "Do you mind, go fetch Pink Diamond for she is needed in this meeting." Yellow's Pearl looked to her equally as shocked Diamond as she nodded, scurrying off to go get the smaller Diamond. "What is the meaning of this?" Blue inquired carefully, her eyes as soft as her tone of voice. Maybe she had been relieved that Pink was finally included?

I smiled at them all, kindly. "You'll know why I called this meeting when she arrives." They all nodded, as we waited a minute max. Pink walked in sadly, looking up at the four with slight hope. Something seemed to really hurt my insides as I looked at her expression, seeing Yellow look away, White smile like nothing was wrong, and Blue welcome her.

"Right, Pink." I stared down at her and smiled as she teared up slightly and smiled back, earning no second looks from the others, as she had hidden them well. "I invited you here as a fellow Diamond," I picked her up and placed her into her seat beside mine. "As you know, I've called this meeting, thank you all for coming as it is of utmost importance," I inhaled as I look to White.

"I have successfully finished the perfect Pearl for Pink, as mine has yet to inherit my powers to form," I heard Pink gasp as she looked at me with sparkling eyes. They all nod and I smiled, having the same Carnelian guards walk in with a fair Pearl with light orange hair and a blue uniform on. (Yes, our Pearl from the Crystal Gems!) "Pink, I made her personally for you, so she shall be able to keep you happy and safe." She couldn't contain her tears as she looked at me.

She sat on my lap and hugged me tightly, causing me to smile and hug her back. "Go now, help the Pearl into her new form, Pink." I said softly, causing her to nod enthusiastically. Pink had finished her explanation to the Pearls new form, and the Pearl had done as requested, letting Pink marvel at the smaller Gem's beauty. I smiled at that Pearl, as she smiled back and nodded. White had more of a genuine smile to her, as Yellow's glare had softened. Blue was happy too, from the smile she had.

Pink finally sat up on her chair and I let my face slip into a more serious expression. "I know that I myself am a new Diamond, therefore it will be hard for me to convince you all of this." I said referring to Yellow and White. I bought up my hand and held out the projection of the small planet known as Earth. "I wish to have this planet colonized under Pink Diamonds care." White flinched, and Yellow glared, throwing her hand down onto her chair harshly.

"Absolutely not!-" "Yellow, please!" Pink interfered, looking at Yellow with a pleading expression. I expected this. I turn to silence the two, holding my other hand up in a 'Shh' expression. "I've made sure this planet has the least dangerous possibilities of harming Pink, I can swear that she will be safe. She too, is a Diamond, and now that I have come into existence, should you all understand that she cannot just sit here. She is passionate about it, she knows how to handle all the programming for it, and she is ready."

I held a stern and angry expression as I looked to Yellow, seeing as she didn't have any argument in return, I looked to White. I knew Blue would agree as long as I knew it was safe, so White was the only one who needed to agree. She nodded, relief filling me and Pink both. "Pink may have Earth as her's." And with that, everyone left the meeting, to their own rooms. Pink, though, walked with me to my room.

"Thank you.." She mumbled, as soon as we had made it to my room. Red all over, with light red ribbons and curtains surrounding the walls and windows to space. A red chair to the side of the room with key panels and screens of work all over them, as well as reports from the already made Gems under my care. "Pink... It's far from wrong for you to exist, you should never compare yourself to any of us, yes you are a Diamond, so the things you ask of us and your soon-to-be subjects are all in your right. Giving you a planet, is the least of things you should thank me for."

I sit on my chair as her and her Pearl walk next to me, I allow Pink onto my lap as I pick up her Pearl and put her on my shoulder. "My Diamond," The Pearl starts. "I would like to thank you for accepting me as your personal Pearl." She says humbly, closing her eyes and smiling. I looked to Pink, who had smiled and ruffled the Pearls hair. "You are a gift to me, one that I'll always cherish, my perfect Pearl." Pink said lovingly.

For Pink, I would give her a thousand worlds if she had asked.. "Red Diamond, I would like to humbly thank you for creating me, for My Diamond." The Pearl had turned to me and bowed her head, making me smile. "You do not need to apologize." Pink and I looked at each other before smiling and speaking, both at the same time. "When you are around us, you are free to be yourself." The Pearl looked baffled, how could she not? The only Gem's that were allowed personality were the Diamonds, the supreme Authority.

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