Chapter Four; The War

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Red's POV

It was hell, even in Homeworld. Traitors everywhere, losing Gem's ever minute to the war on Earth that never let out. I never let my Soldiers out onto the battlefield when I already knew we would not win. The power of determination and belief is one much more stronger then just receiving orders. Even I knew this much. "Please My Diamond! I'm more then willing to fight! I will, just please let me, let us!" I looked to a group of Painite's, very loyal, extremely strong, and persistent, even while cracked.

I looked at them worriedly, and looked down. "You're more then sure you'll come back and serve Homeworld in the end?" I looked to see their surprised and blush-y reactions, getting nods and 'Yeah!'s in return. I sighed and summoned the panels and sent to the Diamonds that a part of my troops were headed to their war, to which they responded positively to. 'I'm sorry Pink..' I thought to myself as I readied the ship for the Painite's.

I turn to those of my Gem warriors and told them to train in any and every way, just to be sure. My Gem's weren't as smart as Peridot's or anything, but they know battle. We all know battle. I wondered how I got to be the Diamond of strength by personal power and Gem power, when I was just as soft as Pink. 'Pink, please be safe.. No Gem of either sides know you're Rose Quartz, so don't get shattered...' My Pearl kindly taps my arm, getting my attention as her soft voice reached my ears. "My Diamond, Yellow Diamond is asking of you."

I frowned, nodding to my Pearl as I signaled for her to follow me. We made our way to Yellow's section of Homeworld, making me groan somewhat at the difference in areas and how far everything was. My Pearl opened the door as we both walked in, making me tense as Yellow spoke my name. I hushed my Pearl off to where Yellow's Pearl was and walked next to the lighter Diamond. "What did you want me for?" I asked somewhat harshly.

"We hadn't talked since.." She trailed off, making me huff and turn around. "And it's good we haven't talked, you hurt me, why would I talk to you?" I eye her nervousness as she gets frustrated. "There is a serious war happening for some lousy planet and you know why it's happening! You were the closest to Pink, so tell us why we're losing!" Yellow demanded, as if she thought I knew they had some secret behind their constant victories.

I glared at Yellow and turned to face her fully as she still sat, making me rest my hand on her armrest and lean in close to her face angrily. "You want to know why they're winning? It's because Rose Quartz, the leader of the Crystal Gem's and the rebellion has motivation on her side! The Gem's are wanting something to fight for, and she's giving them it! She's giving them a real reason to fight, not just because they were ordered and forced to!"

I looked to see her face a dark Yellow as I had realized how close we were, my own face turning a darker shade of red. I moved away quickly and apologized, going to leave until I was pulled back into her, right on her lap. She pulled me in closer, as if she didn't want to let go of me. I was still angry, but instead of resisting, I pout and just lean closer into her. 'Sometimes I forget Yellow is a lot older then me..'

I ended up doing what Pink would usually do on my lap and closed my eyes, feeling odd comfort as I lost touch with my body. This was what sleeping was like? Feels like I am weightless, like I could do anything if I just thought it. It was lovely! I felt safe...

~ Timeskip ~

I woke to find I was in my room, questions filled my mind as to how I got here, the only answer I could come up with was that Yellow had brought me. I get up as my Pearl ran to my side with a smile, clearly happy to see me moving. "My Diamond, you are back! How was you 'sleep'?" Pearl had been with me while Pink taught us of Earth, they truly have words of use there. "Ah, it was wonderful, thank you Pearl." I smiled softly down at the smaller Gem.

"How are the planets? Is everyone from the colonies in line, no need for shattering?" I looked up as I head to my chair, glancing at a report sent by the Painite's that went off to battle. I opened it as I read, it was an awfully long summary of what was happening, so I asked Pearl to read it aloud.

"My Diamond, this it a report sent in from the Painite's sent out to the war, it is chaotic as the battlefield is littered with Gemstones and shards of any kind possible, so far Homeworld is victorious in claiming land and live's, as well as the fact that White Diamond has thanked us personally for entering the battle when we did, as the Crystal Gem's were previously winning."

My Pearl had finished reading as I sat with my hand on my forehead and sighing, looking down at a holographic picture of Pink. "I'm sorry Pink, I had to help Homeworld.. Be strong, alright?" I look down to Pearl and pick her up, hugging her with a sad smile. "Do you think that the Crystal Gem's will win?" I asked her softly, I saw Pearl blush lightly. "I do think so, My Diamond." I look to her and giggle. "Remember? When it's just us two, my name is (Y/n)~"

She squeaks and nods in embarrassment at her mistake, quickly speaking up. "I'm sorry My- (Y/n)!" I laughed quietly, 'My (Y/n)' replaying in my head. Suddenly a message popped up on my panels, causing me to get somewhat nervous. I opened it, as it was a message from Blue, saying it was urgent, and to see them three in the meeting hall.

I stood and carefully put Pearl down, surely if they needed to call for all of us Diamonds, it'd be about the war on Earth. "Pearl,let us leave to the hall." She quickly nodded and opened the doors, walking next to me with confidence being somewhat proud to be the one Pearl to be made by her Diamonds hand.

Pearl opened the door to the meeting hall and allowed me in first, walking now behind me to the side of my designated chair, to where I sat. I had noticed the aura immediately, confusion etching itself into my expression. "What is with the solemn looks? Blue? Why are you crying? Yellow, White, what happened?" They feared telling you, due to your close connection as Pink's human 'mother' in terms.

"Pink has been shattered.." I refuse to believe it.

Her shards were carefully put onto the table, Blue's Pathokinesis bursted out from her as she cried, White being affected due to her sadness she refused to show, and Yellow turning away to hide her tears. I was not once affected, as I felt hollow. She couldn't be shattered, she- She.. She isn't gone. As Blue calmed down, they all noticed my blank expression. My eyes wide, my mouth closed tight, no noise.

"Red?.. Red are you alright?" Yellow sounded worried, but I don't know how to react. "Red Diamond!" White called confusedly. "My Diamond? My Diamond are you going to be alright?" My Pearl said worriedly. I was brought into a hug by Blue, still not snapping me out of my stillness. "I'm going to destroy those Rebels." I whispered, looking up to the other three with a blank stare.

"Let's corrupt them all.." I said getting up, White's sadness turned to anger as she agreed, Yellow's hatred burning brighter with the idea as she nodded, and Blue's sadness growing as she nodded also. White's hand went up, her magic shining brightly, then went Yellow's with her electricity-like powers radiating, then Blue's soft and free-flowing abilities activated. I held my hand up underneath them all, forming a Diamond symbol. There was no heat as my fire flared, only rippling coldness.

There was a bright light as we all shot our energy at Earth, corrupting all dead and half alive Gem's. It's what they deserve.

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