Chapter Six; Pink Diamond

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Red's POV

"Red! What are you doing?" I look up to see Yellow, I stand immediately. "What is it, Yellow?" She looks down from the tall cliff we were on, sighing. "Pink is coming back to Homeworld." I glare at her and turn around. "Yellow, Pink is gone." I state, my blank expression showing. "But Red, Steven has Pink's gem! Steven is Pink!" I push her down, away from me. "My baby is gone! Steven is STEVEN! Pink, is not here anymore!" I hold my hand to my face and covered one of my eyes as I look back out to the high view.

I shouldn't cry, it is true that Pink is inside Steven, but Pink does not walk with us anymore. Couldn't Yellow and Blue see that? It's worse now that Pink's Gem is here, she's so close but so far away.. I fall to my knees and cry, silent tears that I refuse to notice. Earth is so beautiful, even all of it's creatures. "If you had have listened to me, to let Pink keep this planet alive, we would have known of her choice and I would've helped foster her child with those other Gem's and her Pearl.."

I looked to see Yellow sit next to me with a sad expression, making me feel worse. She didn't deserve my temper, no one did. "I keep planning ahead, I keep trying to look out for the future, meanwhile I sit in the past.. I haven't mourned the loss of the closest sister, and daughter I had.." I leaned on Yellow's shoulder. "I've done nothing but train with my Gem's to become stronger, because I thought Pink was shattered, but now it was all for nothing? Pink's... Here?" I felt Yellow rest on me and hold me close to her.

"Red, why are you so cold?" She asked, almost baffled. "I'm a temperature-based Gem and I haven't been feeling so hot lately." I smiled up at her, I wasn't as tall as the other Diamonds, just like how White wasn't as short as us. I was definitely taller then Pink, though. "Oh? Is that a bad thing? I thought most red Gem's were susceptible to the cold?" Of course she wouldn't know me, I shut off with the other Diamonds when Pink was gone.

"You might want to let go of me, I might freeze you.." I smiled as I shuffled away, ice already forming at the tip of my hands. (Red is like when Ruby and Sapphire separate on bad terms). Yellow stared, wide-eyed, suddenly she pulled me into a hug, I don't know why, but I didn't feel sad anymore. I hugged her back and rested my head on her shoulder. We were never really, wordy with each other. We just knew what was wrong through silence, as we were much alike when sad, only she converts it to anger, well I just refuse to admit to sadness.

I teared up, not knowing why. I hugged her tighter as she rubbed circles around my back, calming me down as I sniffed. "It's.. It's alright now. You don't have to act strong to me." My eyes widened at what Yellow said, was she really comforting me? Like how Blue would? "Yellow.. You and Blue are so happy to have Steven, or Pink back.. Why can't I be happy too? Why does reality keep hitting me? Every time I think that Steven is Pink, I just keep remembering all the moments me and Pink had.." I felt a drop on my shoulder, and realized she had been crying.

"I don't know, Red. You were the closest to her with everything, you are always so kind, like her, you two are even similar colour, I don't know why, every time I saw you walk by, I was reminded of Pink.." Yellow said guiltily, though what she said was true. I was the closest to Pink in colour, as I was a 'perfect' version of Pink. Even then, it hurt to hear Yellow say that. I'm my own Gem, am I not? I'm not Pink.. Oh, I'm not Pink.

I pushed her back to the others after she had stopped crying, my touch slowly getting colder and colder, so I stopped touching her. I walked further away this time, out of sight, out of 'civilization', where the humans were. I didn't know Steven was following me, a long way away. I inhaled, a cold mist releasing from my body. 'I'm not Pink, but all I ever did was remind them of my colour and personality similarity.. Had that been the real reason none of the Diamonds talked to me during my grieving?'

The area around me turned to ice, everything. I heard a yell, then a slipping noise, and gasped. "Steven?" I called out, walking to him. "Oh no, Dear, what are you doing here?" I lifted him up and warmed my palm enough to help deal with the cold. "Oh, heh, funny story actually! I followed you! I didn't know you were this powerful, (Y/n)!" My heart stopped. "How do you know that name?!" He jumped at my harsh tone.

"I uh.. I sometimes get my mom's memories through dreams, and she and a red Pearl kept calling you (Y/n), I-I guess it just slipped out! I'm sorry.." I teared up, falling to my knees. "So you really are still there, Pink?" I looked at his Gem before he reached out and wiped away my tears. "You definitely are your mother's son.." Steven looked up at me surprised. "You don't call me Pink, like Yellow and Blue do?" I smiled sadly and shook my head.

"I knew your mother lead the rebellion.. I tried to help her convince Yellow to leave the Earth alone." Steven gasped, diamonds in his eyes. I looked away, huffing. "I know most things about Earth too, as she taught me.. You remind me of her a lot, but I know better. You are an entirely different being, true to your human and Gem self." I smiled down at him, and held him close to my face as a hug.

"You're not like the other Diamonds, aren't you?" He asked, giggling to himself. I sat and thought for a bit before giggling myself. "I'm as tough as Yellow, as sad as Blue, as perfect on the outside as White, and I have as big a heart as Pink." I looked up as the sky got darker, the visibility of the galaxy now appearing. "I was made by all of them, but I loved Pink as a child of mine, though she was created earlier and taught me a lot." I looked down to Steven, who appeared to get sluggish. I put him down on my lap and ruffled his hair with my finger, heating myself up for him as I covered under his head with my hand.

"You're safe, you can sleep.. When you wake up, you'll be with your friends again." I softly cooed the human Gem hybrid to sleep, hearing his snores a minute later. "Steven!" "Red!" I heard the fusion and Blue call to us. I lifted my hand and set it ablaze, catching the attention of the two Gem's as they started running to us. "There you are!" Blue sat on her knees next to me, her face showing worry at all the ice around us.

"Where's Steven?" Garnet spoke worriedly, a little too harsh. She cared for him as much as I had for Pink, so I understood the protective tone of her mother instincts. "Shhh, Steven is safely sleeping under my hand." Garnet touched me and was surprised to feel I was warm, not cold. "I think it would be wise for me to carry him back for now." I said, Garnet nodded, and Blue got up with a small smile.

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