Chapter 3

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Truth to Akako's words, Kaito got caught the next few days when they went back home with Kisao.

Shinichi watched, with Saguru next to him already been told the story, as the inspector took Kaito away with dread and fear consuming his heart.

Saguru stood next to him helplessly, wrapping a comforting arm around Shinichi's shoulder. "We can't let him go to prison, Kudo-kun. We have to do something."

Shinichi leaned against Saguru slightly, basking in the comfort of his colleague and his son in his arms gave. "I have an idea."

He picked up his phone with one hand and called Ran's mother, Eri. "Obaa-san."

"Ah, Shinichi-kun. Kaitou KID got captured now, isn't it?" she asked with a solemn voice.

"Do something, obaa-san. Please. I... I can't let him stay in prison. We have a child to take care of. Kisao can't grow up with his dad in prison," he pleaded.

Eri sighed and hummed, papers shuffling on the table could be heard. "I'll do my best to gather everything good Kaitou KID did for everyone. That'll hopefully be enough to convince the judge that he's not actually a full menace," she said after a few seconds of silence.

Shinichi let out a shaky sigh. "Thank you, obaa-san. I... I owe you one."

"You don't owe me anything, Shinichi-kun. You saved my daughter's life from dangerous situations countless times as Conan even getting hurt yourself. This is the least I can do to repay your deeds for Ran," she said with a hint of a smile.

The azure-eyed male laughed softly. "Thank you again."

Saguru walked with him toward Suzuki's house. "I'm sure Kuroba won't stay in there. Mouri-chan's mother is a great lawyer. She'll get him out."

Shinichi smiled at Saguru slightly. "Thanks, Hakuba-kun, for the comfort."

Saguru only smiled and squeezed his shoulder. "No need to thank me, Kudo-kun. Kuroba is my close friend, though don't tell him I said that, and I would do anything to help him out, to be honest."

They both entered the enormous house to see everyone there.

Ran, Sonoko, Heiji, Kazuha, Eisuke, Ai, Mitsuhiko, Genta, Ayumi, Agasa, Kogoro, Aoko, Akako, Chikage, Yukiko, Yuusaku, Jii and Jiirochiki himself sat there at the long dining table.

"Shinichi-niichan," Ayumi started before seeing the bundle of life in his arms. "What is that?"

Shinichi clutched the baby tightly to him by instinct like a mother's protectiveness. "This is Kuroba Kisao, my son."

Saguru sensed the distress in Shinichi's voice as his stance shifted abruptly. "Hey, calm down. She's just asking who the baby is, Kudo-kun. No one is gonna hurt him."

The blonde, a gentleman as always, led Shinichi by pressing a comforting but not too familiar hand on his lower back gently to lead him to sit at the table next to Yukiko and an empty seat that Saguru took a seat.

Shinichi relaxed when his mother ran her hand through his hair gently to calm him down before looking at the baby, cooing. "He's so adorable~ He looks like you, Shin-chan! Your high cheekbone, skin color, and hair," Yukiko squealed.

He smiled at her before looking back at Kisao. "He has Kaito's eyes, kaa-san. The hair color and smile. He's beautiful."

Saguru explained to everyone for Shinichi what happened after the night the cowlicked hair male ran away until the end without leaving any single detail out.

"So that child.." Ran started. "is biologically Shinichi's son with Kuroba-kun?"

Saguru nodded, looking at the two pairs with a smile. "I'm pretty sure Kisao will be a very brilliant-minded kid when he grew up, just like his parents."

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