Chapter 58.

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Authors Note

This chapter is dedicated to @NamelessAri because she's effin amazing and helped me cast Martin Styles, Harry's Brother.

Martin Styles is played by Paul Wesley. Theyre brothers, not twins please remember that before you say they don't even look alike. If you don't like him you can picture him as someone else.

Angelique Boyar Styles is played by Jessica Lowndes. She's beautiful and again if you don't like her as the character etc.

Check out my Instagram (same username as here)

Check out DRIVE my other fanfic 😃

Please Vote & comment if you'd like me to update soon..again lol

Anissa's POV

"P-P-Pregnant?" I stammer in disbelief, my eyes widening at what my ears just heard.

"Are you sure you wanna hear all this?"Zayn asks, leaning forward on the table,"I don't see what this has to do with..."

"Just tell me," I say quickly, needing to hear more now that I've had a small taste of Harry's past,"Please."

"Alright then," Zayn says sitting back,"Well Angelique got pregnant maybe five or six months after her engagement to Martin,"Zayn explains, tapping his finger on his coffee cup.

"How are you sure that...that Harry got her pregnant?" I ask trying to process the fact that Harry is a father.

"Well Martin and his father worked very closely together, the way Harry and Mr. Styles do now," Zayn explains,"Martin was in Mexico, they were just hearing the ideas for Club Q; they were there for a few months. Angelique stayed behind, and Harry, well Harry did too. The math just didn't add up. I mean Angelique only visited Martin in Mexico once or twice that entire time and then suddenly when he came back before summer he found out she was already three months pregnant."

"Martin had suspected something was going on between her and Harry since the engagement party when he saw Angelique leave one of the empty mansion rooms they rented, crying only moments after Harry left the same room crying as well,but he convinced himself that it was nothing. I know I also suspected them as well, they acted so different around each other, Harry was always a little too nice, and a little too cheerful whenever she was around."

"Did she tell Martin it was Harry's baby?"

"She didn't really need to,"Zayn breaths,"He actually caught them discussing their plans for the baby one night. Harry didn't really care it was more Angelique who was ready to start a family since she was older. But that wasn't something Harry would give her. He even said she should lie to Martin and say it's his to avoid all the drama. But Martin's a smart guy, he only allowed the engagement party thing to slide because he wasn't even sure they were in the same room. But this time was different.He had actual evidence this time rather then just the things he thought he might have seen. This time he had that growing baby and what he heard them discuss as proof."

"What did Martin do when he found out?" I ask trying my best to believe what Zayn is saying. My heart had been so set on what Harry told me that I was now having a hard time believing anything else.

"He broke up with Angelique,"Zayn tells me,"And as for Harry well he nearly killed him. You know that tattoo he has on his stomach?"

"Mhmm, the butterfly," I answer knowing exactly which one he's talking about,"The one he got for his mom...or is that a lie too?"

"Well I guess you could say he got it for his mom, she did love butterflies, but another reason he got it, in that particular spot anyway, is to hide the massive knife scar Martin gave him."

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