Chapter 69.

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[Authors Note: I just wanted to remind everyone that Harry is on drugs which is why he's being a bigger asshole then usual. Drugs make you a different person. ]

I couldn't stop listening to the song "Beside You" by 5SOS while writing this chapter 😮

Anissa's POV

"Surprise, surprise, you're reading," I hear Orlando say sarcastically from the doorway of my office, after knocking on the door,"Can I come in?"

"Sure," I say forcing a laugh, folding the page down, putting Harry's journal back into my desk drawer.

It's been three months and I still can't stop reading. I usually do it discretely around others, Orlando being the only exception, to avoid the obvious comment that I am an idiot for still keeping this. He's right, I am desperate. I'm so desperate I can't stop reading about him to feel close to him.

"Wait. Aren't you off at five? What are you still doing here?" I ask him looking at the clock on the wall that says it's nearly six-thirty pm.

"I am, yea but I've been filling out last minute paper work," He says taking a seat across from my desk.

"Sucks," I say, nodding my head, knowing the pain in the ass that can be,"You can go home if you're not finished, I can just excuse you from the deadline. Just don't put your work off again."

"That's not why I'm here," He laughs,"And don't worry I didn't put this off, it uh it actually just came in,"He says a little more serious this time.

"Straight from California."

"California?" I repeat feeling my body tense.

"Yea," Orlando says wearing a look of understanding.

After all he does know everything that occurred between me and Harry months ago so it only seemed fit that he understand slightly how big of a deal this was for me.

"He uh..well he finally made a decision for the meeting," Orlando says handing me the papers in his hands, knowing well enough not to mention his name.

"Three weeks?" I read a loud feeling my heart jump into my throat. It's soon, too soon for me to even begin to think about seeing him again.

"He denied all of the days you and your father sent over and said that the eighth is the only day he can do," Orlando tells me as I read over the printed out email.

"That's the day before Emily's wedding, I can't..we can't," I say handing him back the paper,"Decline the request."

"Did you read it?" Orlando says looking worried,"He mentioned that he wouldn't be renewing with us if we decided to decline his date request, he wrote it right at the..."

"He's bluffing," I tell him,"He will renew with us whether he wants to or not, he will."

"So what should I reply back to them?"

"I'll do it," I tell him,"Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying..."

"Really it's okay," I say forcing a smile,"I can handle it."

"Nitza, really it's okay I can do it. I'd rather stay since well..," Orlando says nervously,"I was actually wondering if you wanted to maybe grab some dinner you know after we finish up here."

"Oh, dinner," I say clearing my throat.

"Just something quick like the pizza you really like across the street," He says with a hopeful smile.

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