Chapter 3

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Chanyeol POV

Once everyone goes and we are finally left alone I turn to look at my husband holding our baby.

"You look so beautiful my world" I whisper as not to wake our son while moving closer to Baek and sitting up on the bed beside him wrapping my arm around him as he leans his head against my chest while Taehyung rests against him. 

"Thank you Chanyeol he is perfect" Baek whispers looking up at me. "Why are you saying thank you for" I look deep in his eyes before kissing his nose making him smile. "I'm saying thank you because you gave me a perfect son" he takes Taehyung's little tiny hand in his and smiles "look how tiny he is" he kisses his little hand making me hug him closer.

"I should thank you for carrying and growing this beautiful little guy inside you, plus it took two of use to make him baby so you dont need to thank me" I kiss his cheek as he then lays his head back onto me again.

"Lets put him in his little crib , you need your rest my world" I stand up and take our beautiful son from my husband laying him gently down in the hospital crib. "Sweet dreams little man" I lean over him kissing his little chubby cheeks.

I turn to look back at Baek as he is crying. "aww baby don't cry" I hurry to him and gently sit with him as he snuggles into my chest sobbing. "Hey my world its ok" I kiss the top of his head comforting him knowing full well his emotions are all over the place with everything that happened.

"I'm a mom" he cries out sniffing and wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "Yes you are baby and your going to be the best one in this entire world" I push him away a little so I can see his face wiping his tears for him. "Come lets get you laying down, you need to sleep you have been through so much today my world and I'm so so proud of you" I fix his pillows behind his back as he slowly lays down trying not to split his stitches. 

"Are you in pain baby?" I lean over him covering him with a blanket from the bed. "A little but I will be ok it was worth it" he smiles up at me before snuggling into the pillow.  "Sweet dreams my world, now sleep I'll be here when you wake ok" I give him a chaste kiss on his lips as he closes his eyes.

Stepping back from the bed I take one more check on Taehyung in his little crib "sleep well my little prince, Daddy loves you" I touch his cheek the way I touch baeks. I take one more look at my husband and turn off the main light in the room before I settle on the small sofa in the room. As I lay here on the sofa it finally dawns on my after everything today I'm actually a daddy. I feel tears fall down my cheeks as I quickly wipe them and laugh to myself at how silly I am that it's only hitting me now I'm actually a dad. I settle myself down and slowly fall asleep.


 I wake to soft little whimpers making me jump up. I move towards the crib that Taehyung is sleeping in and lift him out putting his tiny body on my chest with his little head in the crook  of my neck. "Good morning little one"I kiss his little cheek making him settle. "You must be hungry" I reach for the bottles that the nurse gave us of formula and pop it into the bottle warmer while holding our little one with one hand.

"What a beautiful sight to see in the morning" I turn to see baek smiling up at me with the most amazing smile on his face.

"Good morning you" I walk over towards him and lean in to give him a kiss. "How is our little one this morning he moves the blanket covering Taehyung so he can see him as I bend down towards him. "He seems ok, He wimpered a little bit till I took him up"  I sit down on the bed placing Taehyung in baeks arms as he can't really lift him just yet after surgery.

"Do you want to feed him?" I reach for the bottle and stop before I pass it to him. "How do I check it again?" I ask him as he smiles at me. Turn your hand over palm up and pour a little out onto your wrist if it's hot then we need to cool it down". I do as he says and It seems ok.

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